Some Questions

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Hello, I just have a few questions if you please:
1) The story about it true?

2) Is there a way to completely eliminate the Snake Cult from spawning? In a previous game, I destroyed their main army and told the Snake Lady to never come back. The status of the Snake Cult was "weakened" but I'm curious to know if it's possible to just eliminate them altogether.

3) Sieges. This questions isn't strictly pertinent to this mod only...but do sieges actually work? If you wait long enough, do they just say "lol, here's the castle"?
1.) No idea what you're talking about.

2.) No. You can crush them to the point where they rarely ever spawn any armies though.

3.) I've never done it, but I'm pretty sure if you hold out long enough, they surrender, or sally out to attack, depending on garrison strength vs. your army strength. I HAVE had garrisons surrender to me before by talking to the commander after an extended siege.
cintax said:
Hello, I just have a few questions if you please:
1) The story about it true?

2) Is there a way to completely eliminate the Snake Cult from spawning? In a previous game, I destroyed their main army and told the Snake Lady to never come back. The status of the Snake Cult was "weakened" but I'm curious to know if it's possible to just eliminate them altogether.

3) Sieges. This questions isn't strictly pertinent to this mod only...but do sieges actually work? If you wait long enough, do they just say "lol, here's the castle"?

1) That is for you to decide :wink:. I have to compliment SaxonDragon here for incredibly creative piece of literature (one of my favorite parts of PoP).

2) Already answered above

3) They only do that if you talk to the castle commander and promise him you won't kill his men...
Thank you for your replies.

As for #3, is there a set number of days and a number of troops in proportion to enemy troops garrisoned that triggers the forfeiture of the castle/town?
Not really (at least as far as I know from trying and reading the forum). Some castle comanders may be more inclined to forefit that way than others (this may depend on who owns the place). You need more troops than they have and the minimum number of days I managed to do this was 3.
Note that it's well over a year since the last time I captured a castle that way.
Don't bother trying to starve out a garrison during a long siege.  All that will happen is that YOU will run out of food and your men will start deserting.  Sometimes if you talk to the castle commander, and badly outnumber the garrison, they will surrender if you promise clemency for the garrison, but the chances of that are generally vanishingly small. 
I have the opposite question: How can I get the Snake Cult to spawn an army? Should I be asking for news and rumors exclusively in Empire territory or something?

I tried asking for rumors everywhere but all I got was 5 Jatu armies, 4 Mistymountain and 4 Heretic armies spawning :sad:

This lack of Snake Cult army is really messing up my long-term strategy.
As you know, not every army is guaranteed to spawn in every game, and you may just not get the Snake Cultists you want.  All you can do is check Empire rumors - if you start getting Snake rumors in the Empire, you may get the army to go with them.  I've had a number of games where one army or another didn't spawn.
As Fawzia said, go to the three Empire cities and ask everyone you can think of for rumors (in town castles, taverns, streets?). It's bound to work if you do it long enough. You may also accidentaly spawn a named hero, but nothing else.
Does the game check for the occurance of the unique spawns whetherr named or not? I currently have 3 heretic army(2 of them in the same location, around Windholm), 2 jatu armies and both Named unique Jatu armies :shock: as well as the Mystmountain army and good ol Wolfbode. I now cant cross from Ravenstern/Poinsbruk to Sarleon/Laria without a lot of finger bitting/reloading. Also any suggestions on how to deal with the Jatu who are now effectively invincible, or at least the victory conditions menu says so. I have 50 silvermists, 50 griffon knights, 25 blademasters and 25 huscarls as well as some lower level troops that im leveling up. I never had to deal with over 2.5k troops in an open field before.
Kite the Mistmountain army into the Jatu and let them have some fun with each other ( just make sure the mistmountain ones dont have too many prisoners and they will likely get raped and just feed the jatu new troops). I did the same with Maltise and her dread legion and watched them have fun with some Jatu army and then pick off both and take my pick of the 450 prisoners each of them had.
As Warpath said, start kiting!  Lead one army into another and let them weaken one another.  You can then pick off the winner.  Sometimes it takes awhile and some patience to get an army to follow you where you want it to go, but if you do it right, a lot of your work will be done for you by whatever army you kite the other one into.  We've had reports of as many as 18 armies loose on the map at one time.  Definitely let the Mystmountains and Wulfbode have some fun with the Jatu armies and vice versa, or let the Heretic army and the Mystmountain army/Wulfbode have at it.
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