A Lord of Men

First off, I'm sorry if any of these are repeat suggestions. I tried to make sure they aren't with the search button, but you never know.
Second, thank you so much for the game! It's far from complete, but very fun! These thoughts of mine are suggestions or ideas and totally not demands, so don't take them that way!
1. "Plug-in" based game
Have you ever played Blades of Avernum or Blades of Exile from Spiderweb Software? (www.spidweb.com) If not, you should. It is a most excellent game, and exemplifies the user-created scenario ideal. Though it may take a good deal of rewriting this game's code (which is the downside of this suggestion), I think that opening up the storyline and mechanics to player editing (perhaps with an official editor down the line) would make this game even more attractive. Personally, I think historical re-enactments would be awsome, but also other genre's would become available. Such support for the "Modding Community" has been a big hit as far as I can tell.
2. Large Seige Weapons
I know, this is totally useless unless a seige game engine is developed. But I just thought I'd add this to my list. I have always wanted to play with a full scale trebuchet! Wheee!
3. AI visibility
I haven't analyzed the AI very much, so I may make some assumptions that are incorrect. However, it seems that in battle the AI of every soldier knows the location of every other soldier. Even though it would probably take a lot of work, I think that at least the player should have the option of taking cover and lying in wait to make a suprise attack on the enemy, perhaps with some bonuses or something. This could add a whole new avenue of tactics for battles.
4. Micro Management
A few things about managing an army. The ability to alter soldiers' equiptment has been suggested before, but I also think that you ought to be able to give very specific commands to soldiers in battle, or roles to play like "backup support" "stay back and fire arrows" "second wave" "first wave charge" "pincher attack" "Hide and suprise enemy if possible" and such.
5. Pitfalls or other dangerous terrain
As far as I can tell, you only harm yourself or your horse if you leap off a cliff. I think that trying to climb/descend a steep incline, especially while being attacked, should cause you to trip or fall, causing damage. Plus, walking over a cliff should make you fall, not just descend fast. Spiked pits and traps and such have been suggested many times, I'm sure. How about weather difficulty? You would ride slower in muddy, stormy, or blizzard-y conditions, and visibility would be reduced drastically. Also, fast moving rivers or rivers that are deep enough to need to by swum could possibly wash you and your horse away, especially if you are wearing heavy armor.
That's all I can think of now. Hope there are some useable ideas here!
Second, thank you so much for the game! It's far from complete, but very fun! These thoughts of mine are suggestions or ideas and totally not demands, so don't take them that way!
1. "Plug-in" based game
Have you ever played Blades of Avernum or Blades of Exile from Spiderweb Software? (www.spidweb.com) If not, you should. It is a most excellent game, and exemplifies the user-created scenario ideal. Though it may take a good deal of rewriting this game's code (which is the downside of this suggestion), I think that opening up the storyline and mechanics to player editing (perhaps with an official editor down the line) would make this game even more attractive. Personally, I think historical re-enactments would be awsome, but also other genre's would become available. Such support for the "Modding Community" has been a big hit as far as I can tell.
2. Large Seige Weapons
I know, this is totally useless unless a seige game engine is developed. But I just thought I'd add this to my list. I have always wanted to play with a full scale trebuchet! Wheee!
3. AI visibility
I haven't analyzed the AI very much, so I may make some assumptions that are incorrect. However, it seems that in battle the AI of every soldier knows the location of every other soldier. Even though it would probably take a lot of work, I think that at least the player should have the option of taking cover and lying in wait to make a suprise attack on the enemy, perhaps with some bonuses or something. This could add a whole new avenue of tactics for battles.
4. Micro Management
A few things about managing an army. The ability to alter soldiers' equiptment has been suggested before, but I also think that you ought to be able to give very specific commands to soldiers in battle, or roles to play like "backup support" "stay back and fire arrows" "second wave" "first wave charge" "pincher attack" "Hide and suprise enemy if possible" and such.
5. Pitfalls or other dangerous terrain
As far as I can tell, you only harm yourself or your horse if you leap off a cliff. I think that trying to climb/descend a steep incline, especially while being attacked, should cause you to trip or fall, causing damage. Plus, walking over a cliff should make you fall, not just descend fast. Spiked pits and traps and such have been suggested many times, I'm sure. How about weather difficulty? You would ride slower in muddy, stormy, or blizzard-y conditions, and visibility would be reduced drastically. Also, fast moving rivers or rivers that are deep enough to need to by swum could possibly wash you and your horse away, especially if you are wearing heavy armor.
That's all I can think of now. Hope there are some useable ideas here!