some new weapons

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I've put together some new weapons and will soon be uploading them in a pack to the Mount&Blade Unofficial File Repository.

here's a sneak peak.

The weapons on the left are more realistic, the ones on the right are more fantasy (final fantasy style)
Nice weaps!! Import them and put them into something like Huge mod so i can get my grubby hands on them!!!!! :shock:
could have looked nicer if I could skin them... I just stuck with the, which by the way has changed slightly in .710...
well it's been a week. I posted another request. I have a valid email, I used it to register...
Just now saw this. Yeah, that's what apparently happened I guess. I re-sent the e-mail when I got your second request earlier and PM-ed you about it. :smile:
Thanks Janus, but alas, it will have to wait till tomorrow. I left my notebook at work... :sad:

(Damn field office visits... :mad: )

I will upload it as soon as I can.
The fanstasy weapons were just for fun. Someone will make a fantasy mod soon, I can just feel it... Wait, the myth mod is fantasty to... :smile:

Will post them is a few hours, still don't have my notebook yet... :mad:

EDIT: it's up at the repository. Thanks again Janus.
The zip contains OBJ files. You need the BRFviewer and the unofficial editor.

Using the BRF view, import them into the weapons1.brf, assign the for the textures.

Using the editor, and them to the list of items.

There is a better way that won't mess with the vanilla install, but alas, I just make the weapons... I am but a simple blacksmith... :oops:
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