Some new horses?

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Still Not Worthy
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Right now, the number of horses is pretty small.


6 horses. Perhaps we could add a couple more, and give them to certain types of enemies.. like a black horse that we could give to Dark Knights & Dark hunters, because saddle horses don't seem very dark and menacing :wink:

A black horse would be awesome, and for people like me who buy full black armor then go around on their horse choppin ppl it, it would make our day if we could ride a black horse named Shadow into 20 Black Khergit Raiders and give them a lesson on war :razz:
In the Mods section of these forums you can Download a horse called a "Nightmare". And there is even a section that tells you how to give them to dark hunters. But yea I would like to see more horse variety in the final product.

p.s. this has been mentioned before. check the search button.
Most important horse issue for me is that Steppe horses should be a lot faster and have more manouverabillity. the steppe people used to outrun the european knights and shoot arrows at them in the process
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