Some minor issues

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Lord Deggial

Here are some minor suggestions/observations about the game. I've played the new version, but I am not sure that some of these issues are still present of not...

* The issues that are (still) present in the new version:

- The names that are displayed on the doors, like "the_happy_boar". Underscores in these names may be fitting for "Matrix Online" but not for this game :lol:

- The archers in the tournaments are hopeless when an enemy melee fighter gets in arm's reach of them. (which is really easier if they have shields..)

- We can push the "Edit face" button on the character menu for NPCs that present their skills/stats.

- We can walk into the items on the ground at the Tihr merchant.

* The issues that I am not sure they are still present or not:

- NPCs that present their skills have skill values that a player cannot be allowed to have. (many people would think that "the computer is cheating!" :lol: ) For example:
Marnid has 6 CHA and 3 Trade ! (it is impossible for a PC)
Stulgar has weapon mastery of 2, but has 156 archery, 161 polearms and 143 crossbow (I know that proficiencies of a PC may go beyond limit that weapon mastery skill may allow, but this is also another odd issue...)

- NPC heros should have a minor amount of money for bartering. (well, I am a bit bored to see "that question" again and again when I am giving them some item even if they have no money to pay me...)

- Char. stat screen mentions about a skill named logistics if INT is pressed (maybe just for NPCs I'm not sure)...
Hi everybody!
I started playing this game today, and I think it's really cool! I think at the beginning it's a bit hard, but I got used to it :smile:
I don't like the cities very much, but I read that will be changed :smile:
One thing I can't understand is why you can't exit without saving?

I picked Ironflesh as a start ability, so I got 53 health from the beginning...shouldn't the health rise with every level? I'm Level 3 now and I still got 53 health?
Hi Waldschrat,

I believe that saving and reloading games killes the immersion and fun. Not being able to reload previous save points may seem problematic at first, but in the long run, players enjoy the game more.

About ironflesh skill: Health increases with every point you invest in the skill, not with every xp level.
But I could switch tasks, made a copy of save file and that use it for purpose of loading.

By the way, I could not disband units from party, it's not good.

p.S. Is there any method to heal a scrippled horse? Or I shouldbuy a new one?
Derfflinger said:
But I could switch tasks, made a copy of save file and that use it for purpose of loading.
Sure you could do that.

By the way, I could not disband units from party, it's not good.
Due to a bug in ver 0.600 you can't disband troops inside a town. You can disband them in the wilderness

p.S. Is there any method to heal a scrippled horse? Or I shouldbuy a new one?
There's no healing for horses implemented yet. But that's a neat idea.
Ok, thanks for the info, what about that one:

I picked Ironflesh as a start ability, so I got 53 health from the beginning...shouldn't the health rise with every level? I'm Level 3 now and I still got 53 health?
Waldschrat said:
Ok, thanks for the info, what about that one:

I picked Ironflesh as a start ability, so I got 53 health from the beginning...shouldn't the health rise with every level? I'm Level 3 now and I still got 53 health?

I think it should. But it doesn't, health only goes up with each point you spend on Ironflesh. If you spent 3 points at the start you'd have 60 hp and be level 1.
Well, in fact, I think that no HP per levels is a good idea. You can you armor to reduce damage to your precious innards, don't you? And armor here, thank God, soaks damage, not reduces chance to hit.
If you want to play a traider, for instance, that does not get in the fighting himself (in case if you'll ever fed up with combat system :smile:), and uses hired muscle for protection... HP increase with levels will simply not fit.
But, I guess, you can add base HP increase with every STR increase too. Makes sence - if you have a lot of muscle - you'll be able to take more punishment.
Yeah, you're right, it just adds more realism to the game. I think some "beginner" quests at the start would be great! If you can't handle your weapons so well, don't have a lot of peasants and good armor, it's hard to fight 3 or more bandits. Maybe you could work as a soldier in a big army? So you don't have to have your own men, but still be able to fight and gain experience. And as a trader you don't have enough money at the beginning (in my opinion).

What would be really great would be a multiplayer mode or a coop game:smile:

Too bad I don't have a credit card, I need to find someone who has...damn, I'm addicted :grin:
Ok, that qualifies as minor issue, a I guess...
On my system, sound channels are reversed when I play this game (it's fine for other games).
I have SBLive 5.1, headphones and latest drivers I could find :smile:.
My "Surround mixer" program states that I have version 2.00.29
They easy way out would be to add "Reverse audio channels" in options menu :smile:.
An other strange thing - when I press 'configure' in the launcher, it does nothing. Is it so for everyone, or it's just me?
A typo:
In Suno traider sends me to Wercheg to sell oil... while it's in Rivacheg where they buy it for higher price.
Hmm... I saw an other typo, where traider called his own town with a different name... but forgot :sad:. Gotta recheck it.
An other typo - when you attack a faction, you'll get:
"Your relations with ... has detoriated to ..."
Balor said:
A typo:
In Suno traider sends me to Wercheg to sell oil... while it's in Rivacheg where they buy it for higher price.
Hmm... I saw an other typo, where traider called his own town with a different name... but forgot :sad:. Gotta recheck it.

I think thats Jelkalla, wheras the trader calls it Praven.
It would be nice to hide weapons when entered to the room. Right now weapon is draw and holstered before speaking with somebody.
Bought the game the same day I started... really amazing the 'mounts' are so well done for such a small file... and while the whole world may not be differentiated with detail yet, I think good choices were made about what is most important... the combat controls, avatar customization, character creation/leveling system. Anyway, few bugs and ideas. Bugs first:

1)I saw in another thread that someone else had the problem where they are told to deliver a message to the Lord of Zendar. As of the current version (6.01), I can't find him. And the mission was from the King, who I swore an oath to...

2)I've gotten the mission to kidnap the traveling noble b/w suno and v--- three times already.

3) There is a guy in the tavern in Zendar that always wants to show me his stats. As far as I can tell, though, there is no way to hire him (not the guy you can hire, but the other one). But maybe I just have not tripped that script yet.

In general, I have had only a couple total crashes. My biggest performance issue is that after I make a copy of the save game (a la Derfflinger) I come back to a sucky frame-rate. But since no one told me that action would be supported, there's not much to complain about.

Ideas (well, really just one):
As far as I can tell, two guys made this game (howdy Armagan). Amazing. I know funding for an indi game is tight, so I can appreciate the method of fundraising (though, as mentioned in another post, it does have its drawbacks, the biggest one to me being that having so many versions will make it really difficult to provide support.) But maybe another person should be hired to work on the story. What there is works well. And I do not want to stifle the loose freedom of gameplay. I am just hoping the story is not forgotten as the other kinks are worked out, as it could help make this game truly reach its potential. I am still amazed google gets so few hits for this game (no matter what name you search under).

Cheers all,

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