Some minor issues

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Bought the game a week ago, must say I'm really enjoying it.

Experienced a few bugs though.

* Crashed and got blue screens twice, both times during combat. Unfortunatly I didnt pay attention to the error messages, Ill be sure to do that if it happens again. After the second crash I had to reinstall my audio drivers.

* Supply armor quest: Count Grimar of Thir has asked you to bring him 5 hoods. I must have brought him at least 4 sets of 5 hoods, I still dont get the option to hand them over.

* Bring 5 swadian footman prisoners quest: King Yaroglek of Reyvadin wanted you to bring him 5 Swadian footman prisoners. Unless I'm missing something there are no Swadian footmen, the equivalent would be Swadian militia, but 5 Swadian militia prisoners isnt accepted by Yaroglek.

All in all great game though, cant wait for the next patch.
Crashes: Yep, it's beta.

Items: There's another thread, different forum. You have to make sure they're hoods. Not woolen hoods, or any other type of hood. There are specific descriptors that can be applied to an item that don't change it's type, things like tattered, reinforced, so on. Check the Item list sticky thread in the main forum for a complete list.

5 Swadian Footmen prisoners:
They exist, you can't hire them. You have to capture them from swadian units. Foragers and caravans typically have them, and they have to be prisoners.

If they asked for units to become part of the army, you'd typically have to train them.
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