These suggestions, as opposed to my previous post, represent more difficult items to implement, but I think are doable and would enhance gameplay.
1. Have non-player parties re-evaluate their targets periodically, and do so in the following ways:
a. If the non-player party is in pursuit of the player and does not have the speed to catch the player, they should disengage. Currently, it seems that disengagement occurs when the player is out of range according to the spotting skill. Often, this means that you end up leading them all the way across the map before you lose them. I once lead a party of black khergit raiders from Tulga all the way to Tihr! Perhaps a timer could be put into place such that if the player isn't caught, they go away.
b. When multiple "targets" are available to the non-player party, the party should evaluate which is the best target to go after and pursue it. For some, the best target will be the weakest. For others, it is the slowest. Each party type could have what it considers the "best" target.
c. Non-player parties should have "home regions." For example, steppe bandits prefer the steppe. When a player leaves a steppe region and steppe bandits are in pursuit, the bandits should re-evaluate whether or not they should continue the pursuit. Perhaps if steppe bandits were given a tactical or morale advantage for fighting on steppe terrain (and likewise a disadvantage for fighting elsewhere), this could be used to evaluate whether or not to continue pursuit. Maybe a party of 10 steppe bandits would consider fighting against a party 13 strong if on the steppe, but only 7 strong if not on the steppe.
2. When the character gets high enough level (maybe 20-30ish), they should get the chance to recruit men directly from other parties that are wandering around. For example, if I'm level 30 and a Swadian and I come across some Swadian foragers. I should be able to talk to them and ask them if they want to join my party. Whether they accept or not could be determined by charisma, your level relative to theirs etc... or even on your rank in the Swadian army.
3. I think that the struggle between the Vaegirs and Swadians and other factions should be portrayed on the map. Each faction should get a color and the map should be tinted that color in the area controlled by the faction. This could be an overlay or something like that. If a major battle takes place on Swadian land between Vaegirs and the Swads and if the Vaegirs win, that part of the map changes color to the Vaegir color. All factions would be represented including neutral areas and perhaps different bandit factions as well. I really like this idea because I think it would really help get the player immersed in the conflict that is going on.
4. Deserters. If I am a Swadian and I encounter a Vaegir deserter party, there should be a chance that they join me. Maybe they are deserting because they don't think the Vaegirs anymore and want to fight on the winning side. Or, it could be that they just want to be free and in that case, they should be treated as they are now. Finally, if I am a Swadian and I encounter Swadian deserters. If I fight them and knock them unconscious, I should have the choice to add them to my party (not prisoner). Think of it as beating some sense into them!
1. Have non-player parties re-evaluate their targets periodically, and do so in the following ways:
a. If the non-player party is in pursuit of the player and does not have the speed to catch the player, they should disengage. Currently, it seems that disengagement occurs when the player is out of range according to the spotting skill. Often, this means that you end up leading them all the way across the map before you lose them. I once lead a party of black khergit raiders from Tulga all the way to Tihr! Perhaps a timer could be put into place such that if the player isn't caught, they go away.
b. When multiple "targets" are available to the non-player party, the party should evaluate which is the best target to go after and pursue it. For some, the best target will be the weakest. For others, it is the slowest. Each party type could have what it considers the "best" target.
c. Non-player parties should have "home regions." For example, steppe bandits prefer the steppe. When a player leaves a steppe region and steppe bandits are in pursuit, the bandits should re-evaluate whether or not they should continue the pursuit. Perhaps if steppe bandits were given a tactical or morale advantage for fighting on steppe terrain (and likewise a disadvantage for fighting elsewhere), this could be used to evaluate whether or not to continue pursuit. Maybe a party of 10 steppe bandits would consider fighting against a party 13 strong if on the steppe, but only 7 strong if not on the steppe.
2. When the character gets high enough level (maybe 20-30ish), they should get the chance to recruit men directly from other parties that are wandering around. For example, if I'm level 30 and a Swadian and I come across some Swadian foragers. I should be able to talk to them and ask them if they want to join my party. Whether they accept or not could be determined by charisma, your level relative to theirs etc... or even on your rank in the Swadian army.
3. I think that the struggle between the Vaegirs and Swadians and other factions should be portrayed on the map. Each faction should get a color and the map should be tinted that color in the area controlled by the faction. This could be an overlay or something like that. If a major battle takes place on Swadian land between Vaegirs and the Swads and if the Vaegirs win, that part of the map changes color to the Vaegir color. All factions would be represented including neutral areas and perhaps different bandit factions as well. I really like this idea because I think it would really help get the player immersed in the conflict that is going on.
4. Deserters. If I am a Swadian and I encounter a Vaegir deserter party, there should be a chance that they join me. Maybe they are deserting because they don't think the Vaegirs anymore and want to fight on the winning side. Or, it could be that they just want to be free and in that case, they should be treated as they are now. Finally, if I am a Swadian and I encounter Swadian deserters. If I fight them and knock them unconscious, I should have the choice to add them to my party (not prisoner). Think of it as beating some sense into them!