Some kind of bug or something !

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Ok i'm playing mount&blade warband 1.131 as Swadian vassal we have destroyed the rhodoks and the nords have given us a war but one of our castles was taken by them without a fight in the castle garnison are swadians so wtf i think they was bribed :grin::grin:
sorry if i got bad english
and again sorry if this is not the place to write but i'm new here
Lords can change theire king (well, sometimes I also have a bad English  :mrgreen: ) and that isn't a kind of bribery, because if they don't like the king longer they will give theire loyality to another king and their fiefs (not villages, only castles and towns) are changing with them the nation, but they will ever use the soldiers of their nationality, so a Swadian lord will ever use Swadian troops, also if he is a Khergit or a Nord (whatever you want) now.

Hope I was able to help you
The castle probly belonged to a lord who switched allegiance.

Lords can have other factions troops in their warband - not sure how it works but just as villagers can take prisoners if they are on an allied victory side so released captives can join a victors army whether ai or human.

Have seen Rhodock lords with Khergit troops and Swadians with Rhodock troops.
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