Some ideas here. Awesome game btw.

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absolutley stunning game. as soon as i got to level six, i payed right away.
anyhow, some ideas:

1. let people on foot be able to run/sprint short distances. this could be based on stamina or somthing, and not make being on a horse/feilding an army the one tactic for survival. the amount of your stamina could be based on agility.

2. it would be cool if there were special moves with weapons that your character could perform. they could be based on your skills/weapon that youre using, and would use stamina. some special moves could be:

knockdown: usable by large 2-handed blunt weapons, and to a lesser
degree by one handed blunt weapons as well. would
sprawl/stun the target on the ground for a period of time.
running into sombody who isnt guarding fullspeed with a
horse should be hit with this already...

dismount: usable by polearms and lances. when used against a
mounted target, would send them flying off there horse
and give them a slight stun. afterwards they could still get
up and remount the horse.

bleed attack: used by pericing/slicing weapons, would do some DOT
(damage over time) to a target.

whirlwind: (i know, diablo ripoff) possessed by large 2 handed
weapons, the weapon would be wildy swung around
yourself, hitting anyone close by. leaves the user

poison/fire arrows: arrows that do DOT. maybe poison small bladeds
weapons too.

concussion hit: only applied when you make a headshot with a blunt
weapon. knocks/stuns the target unconcious for a

3. actual player classes. like knight, archer, blah blah. besides the
ones that you start as. could add bonuses/special abilitys/conditions for specialized skills.

once again , great game, and keep up the good work.

Maybe all two-handed blunt weapons could have like a 5% chance of knockdown. One-handers could have a 2% or something.
When it kicks in, the victim is knocked down for a second and has to get back up.


I wouldn't mind being able to knock people off horses.
Right now, killing the horse is the only way to unmount someone.
Though killing someone while mounted should almost always leave the horse behind (I get annoyed when I shoot someone and the horse just dissapears).

bleed attack:

Hmm... possibly an effect some daggers or other sharp weapons could have. Small chance of doing maybe 1 or 2 damage every few seconds for a while.


Not very realistic.
Doing such a move would most likely send you sprawling after you've swung about. Leaving you prone on the ground (meaning you're toast).

poison/fire arrows:

Poisoned weapons could work. Maybe they'd slow the target, or make him suffer the "hit" animation every so often, breaking his attacks from time to time as the poison wracks him with pain.

Fire arrows would be cool. Though they'd have a horrible penalty to hitting. After all, an arrow covered with a lit oil soaked rag is extremely unbalanced.
But anyone hit by one could take some extra damage for a while (maybe give a "roll" command to put out the flames but leave you vulnerable).
Also, the fire could ignite a small area, making people have to move around them or take damage.

concussion hit:

This could work like the knockdown. Hitting with a blunt weapon has a slight chance of disorienting your target. Making them basically stand there for a couple of seconds.

I suppose various weapons could have better or worse bonuses than norm to these effects. Like a finely crafted dagger might have a higher bleed chance or something.[/quote]
I do not have a problem with the following attacks:

Dismount - This was the most common downfall of a Knight in Medieval warfare.

Knockdown - A very impressive blow would certainly knock you to the ground.

Concussion - A harsh blow to the head would definitely knock you senseless for a few moments.

To me any of the rest of them are not really all that realistic. For instance whirlwind in full armor would certainly send you reeling to the ground. I tried on a suit of armor once... it is not easy to maneuver in at all. Poison doesn't really make sense to me... in real life poison either kills you within moments, or very slowly saps your strength. This damage spread across time issue isn't really how poison would work. If anything it would slowly sap your STR until the point that your max HP reached 0 HP, leaving you at 0/0 and therefore DEAD. If you did not cure the poison your max HP would be dependent on this... this seems like more of a realistic implementation of this.

However, flaming arrows were actually used quite often in warfare. I could see how this might work, but generally flaming arrows were used to fire into keeps and castles to burn the thatching and lower the morale of the troops inside. Either that or used to set fire to patches of oil that were strategically placed as "traps" for armies on the battlefield.
Hmm... so for poison... how about every few seconds, you see the victim go through the "hit" animation (cancelling any attack/block he might have been doing) and his Str drops by a point.
That keeps up until his Str hits 0 and he dies.
Every time the effect kicks in, he'd have a chance of it wearing off.
i think a knockdown effect defintely needs to be implemented because running into someone with a 2 ton horse or somthing would have to at least knock them off their feet. it wouldent be hard either, just copy the animations from when someone goes flying off their horse and getting back up. hitting someone with a 2 handed blunt weapon should have a chance to knock people down at well. also, i dont think head shots with melee weapons have any effect currently. what if hitting someone in the head with a blunt weapon would temporaily stun them for a few seconds?
maybe 2 handed blunt weapons would stun for longer then 1 handers.
Re: whirlwind, I was having a similar discussion with a friend, and I brought up the point that I had recently done warrider damage three times in rapid succession on alternating sides of the horse, and that's enough of a special attack for me.

Since you're basically in total control of the attacks, the question is-- what special attacks can you pull off? It kind of makes it an interesting added challenge to the game.

But I like the point about "stunning."

Too often I've been charging by at full speed on a courser, swung a war sword at some dude, and he blocks with a wooden club, which fully absorbs the blow. Wtf? No! I'm not expecting damage, but he should be scrambling to his feet by the time I'm circling for the second pass. An easy way of determining this is perhaps that blocking warrider damage knocks you over, but only in a world where it's easy to get back on your horse. ("Call horse" shortcut?)
Jumping is amazing - you can soar over any obstacle, even groups of mounted people, from a good distance away - so I tend to avoid those ghosts. But yeah, having horses trot off first would be helpful.
I agree that personally I hate this idea. Like the poster said its a realistic game, and the idea is very rpg/diabloish.
Fire arrows might work. not really for the damage though. If you have an arrow through you you really don't care that much whether it's burning or not. But, what if you could burn the grass and such? Horses would refuse going through it (well that's not actually true, when a horse sees fire it instinctively jumps over it, although with a 200 pound rider I'm not sure), enemies would really think twice before going near it in a wool coat or something. I did post about the special attacks, didn't know about this thread.
Hi all. I just registered this game yesterday and so far it's a blast!

Regarding fire arrows: It would be verry cool if you could light parts of the battle field on fire. you could spook hourses and peasants and other simpleminded creatures and cause generall havoc all arround. you would probbably have to restrict the quiver size to about 3-4 arrows though.

I understand that such a feature would be a pain in the neck to impliment but it's just such a fun idea.
3: Not at the beginning, but maybe once you hit level 10 you get to specify into a second class for a few added bonuses.
Rather than the classic "class" i would call them proffessions you could get into by either missions or simply applying for the job.

That's one thing i allways disliked with many traditional rpg:s. IE that you had to stick with some pre-set class. I mean in real life most people do different types of jobs and even change career altogether. It should be open like that in M&B.

Btw. I fail to see how knocking riders out of their saddles is anything like Diablo. That would be important to add if tourneys are ever added to the game.

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