
absolutley stunning game. as soon as i got to level six, i payed right away.
anyhow, some ideas:
1. let people on foot be able to run/sprint short distances. this could be based on stamina or somthing, and not make being on a horse/feilding an army the one tactic for survival. the amount of your stamina could be based on agility.
2. it would be cool if there were special moves with weapons that your character could perform. they could be based on your skills/weapon that youre using, and would use stamina. some special moves could be:
knockdown: usable by large 2-handed blunt weapons, and to a lesser
degree by one handed blunt weapons as well. would
sprawl/stun the target on the ground for a period of time.
running into sombody who isnt guarding fullspeed with a
horse should be hit with this already...
dismount: usable by polearms and lances. when used against a
mounted target, would send them flying off there horse
and give them a slight stun. afterwards they could still get
up and remount the horse.
bleed attack: used by pericing/slicing weapons, would do some DOT
(damage over time) to a target.
whirlwind: (i know, diablo ripoff) possessed by large 2 handed
weapons, the weapon would be wildy swung around
yourself, hitting anyone close by. leaves the user
poison/fire arrows: arrows that do DOT. maybe poison small bladeds
weapons too.
concussion hit: only applied when you make a headshot with a blunt
weapon. knocks/stuns the target unconcious for a
3. actual player classes. like knight, archer, blah blah. besides the
ones that you start as. could add bonuses/special abilitys/conditions for specialized skills.
once again , great game, and keep up the good work.
anyhow, some ideas:
1. let people on foot be able to run/sprint short distances. this could be based on stamina or somthing, and not make being on a horse/feilding an army the one tactic for survival. the amount of your stamina could be based on agility.
2. it would be cool if there were special moves with weapons that your character could perform. they could be based on your skills/weapon that youre using, and would use stamina. some special moves could be:
knockdown: usable by large 2-handed blunt weapons, and to a lesser
degree by one handed blunt weapons as well. would
sprawl/stun the target on the ground for a period of time.
running into sombody who isnt guarding fullspeed with a
horse should be hit with this already...
dismount: usable by polearms and lances. when used against a
mounted target, would send them flying off there horse
and give them a slight stun. afterwards they could still get
up and remount the horse.
bleed attack: used by pericing/slicing weapons, would do some DOT
(damage over time) to a target.
whirlwind: (i know, diablo ripoff) possessed by large 2 handed
weapons, the weapon would be wildy swung around
yourself, hitting anyone close by. leaves the user
poison/fire arrows: arrows that do DOT. maybe poison small bladeds
weapons too.
concussion hit: only applied when you make a headshot with a blunt
weapon. knocks/stuns the target unconcious for a
3. actual player classes. like knight, archer, blah blah. besides the
ones that you start as. could add bonuses/special abilitys/conditions for specialized skills.
once again , great game, and keep up the good work.