Soldier recruitment Experiment

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The bug in soldier recruitment seems to be linked to party size.

As a test, I took my party to Praven. I had recruited troops a few days ago at that town, and the tavern was still empty.

I had 20 out of a total size of 29 in my party.

I waited for 7 days, but no new soldiers appeared in the tavern.

Finally I disbanded my party completely.

Now, after 1 days rest, 1 militia unit and 5 peasants are available.

It seems that when your party achieves a certain size, soldiers are no longer available at taverns.

Hope this helps.
Well errr, No? :wink:
I do not want to have to disband my party.
It's cost me a fortune just to get it this far.....

(Thanks for the advice though, your effort is appreciated)
Actually Don ...

He was supplying info to Armagan about the cause of the bug. I don't believe that he was recommending that you disband your soldiers to recruit more. :razz:

The lack of soldiers to hire is a known bug ... one that I'm pretty sure Armagan will give top priority when he is finished moving and is able to get working again.

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