Sold copies?

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Hey there.
Curiosity just got the upper hand on me and I'm wondering how many copies M&B have sold this far. Enough to buy Armagan a pair of pants?
Last number I heard... I think... was like... 5,000 I think. 5,000 x 11 is $55,000

But part of me wants to say something like 500 instead, which is still a great deal of money: $5,500
Armagan is actually Bill Gates. He makes such games as if he's poor. Thats how he got so rich. Who'd buy teh crappy, unstable, unsafe Windows anyway? (I dont even mention the office pack with those creepy-helpers)
Hardclyff said:
Just keep spreading the word. 5,000 is still only 0.0000008% of world population :sad:

I'm thinking more in the 0.000000000000000000000023%.

How to advertise.. Hrm..

We can gang together, rob a bank. And use the money to advertise Mount&Blade on every single game website on earth.

Or we can do it the GTA way.

Or we can start our own Mount&Blade religion.


Or we could send people letters with Pavlov's photo and text "Buy Mount&Blade or this guy will come over to your house and eat your head."
Of all the already suggested, that one would be the one with a higher rate of success.
Telling that he'll come would be enough, imagining the next part would end with a heart attack. :razz:

Or we can trick them that they could suggest a multiplayer mode in forums. Then we can flame on them.
Fluffy The Hamster said:
Hardclyff said:
Just keep spreading the word. 5,000 is still only 0.0000008% of world population :sad:

I'm thinking more in the 0.000000000000000000000023%.

Funny, I wasn't aware there were 220,000,000,000,000,000 BILLION people in the world. I always thought it was more in the neighbourhood of, um, 6 billion... :smile:

No offense or anything, but geez.. :p
Fluffy The Hamster said:
Hardclyff said:
Just keep spreading the word. 5,000 is still only 0.0000008% of world population :sad:

We can gang together, rob a bank. And use the money to advertise Mount&Blade on every single game website on earth.

I'm in for an oldfashion stickupp to finace a noble goal. :grin:
Funny, I wasn't aware there were 220,000,000,000,000,000 BILLION people in the world. I always thought it was more in the neighbourhood of, um, 6 billion... Smile

Don't forget the people that are dead, plus the animal factions and organisms.
I believe in one of the interviews, Armagan said they've sold around 800 copies, or some such. That was a while ago though, I imagine there have been about 300-400 more copies at least sold since then.
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