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My friend bought mount and blade and he tried to gave an other one of those serial numbrellas to me. the broblem is that when i try to activate that code it says Incorrect serial number. i ask from my buddy that did it work on hes computer and it did but whats the god damn incorrect serial number???And if i've readen correctly u get 2 godes to u and ure friend
so whats broblemino?? :shock: :???:
hehe, for me it worked when I first put it, installed then M&B again, put it, formatted whole computer and again installed M&B and still it worked.
I think there is somesort MySQL thing that saves IP's where Serial Key confirmation has come or something... dunno, no idea really. There was something in Buy section of sites but I didnt really get it.
Here's the (almost) official guide for activating the game:

- You can activate the game on two computers you own. After 60 days (starting from the first activation, I'd guess) your activation counter resets and you get two activations more.

- You can activate the game unlimited times on the last computer you activated it on. For example if you activated it on a laptop and after that activated it on a desktop, you could re-activate the game on the desktop computer as many times you need, but not on the laptop (except after the 60 days).

So you only get one key, but it can be used on two computers.
ok. thanks from helping but i didnt get any furthef from start :sad: so TG does that mean i must buy my own serial key?? cos i didnt really understand :???:
Yeah, I think so, because armagan has stated that you can activate the game on two computers YOU own using your activation code. I don't think it would be fair to him that you got yours from a friend, but I'll leave it up to armagan to decide.
buy it yourself. my friend sugested I give him my activation code and I refused. Armagan and Ipek actually deserve the money unlike some companies *cough*ea*cough*
ye you are right i byu my own code thingy :wink: and its true that armagan and ipek deserves the money cos they have done goddamn good work :wink:
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