so when can we expect v1.0?

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What's the hurry? The game is great already.

And little-by-little updating keeps the interest up, as even if I leave M&B for a while, I'm back soon and then I notice there's a new version and I'm too curious to leave it unchecked. Then, after playing for a while again, I start playing around with textures, scenes...
whats the hurry you say? I bought the game months and months ago and its changed only in the smallest ways. I would like to see v1.0 pretty soon
Full version?! I don't know about that, it definately shouldn't be soon, well.. I hope it isn't.
Friends, brothers, sisters, mark my words. Continue the magnanimous and perpetual worshipping of our lord and savior, Armagan, and you shall see the light of v1.0 when it's ready.
Not to start a flame, but I think realistically we shouldn't be too optimistic on the future develope of this game..

Normally an answer such as "when it's done" would diservse two words and they would start with F and U. But since M&B is not a full priced and professionally developed and finaced product, Aramgan diserves some leaway.

Always remeber that you get what you paid for, regardless of whatever promises that are made.

With that said, even in it's current state is still much better money and time spent then most of the junk dupilcated on disks and packaged today. I have no regrets.
cicero said:
Not to start a flame, but I think realistically we shouldn't be too optimistic on the future develope of this game..

Normally an answer such as "when it's done" would diservse two words and they would start with F and U. But since M&B is not a full priced and professionally developed and finaced product, Aramgan diserves some leaway.

Always remeber that you get what you paid for, regardless of whatever promises that are made.

With that said, even in it's current state is still much better money and time spent then most of the junk dupilcated on disks and packaged today. I have no regrets.

I think it is worth making a comment here, and drawing a comparison. I would further clarify and say that as stated above, "Normally" would best refer to the existing/previous large scale corporate INVESTMENT and software development model for video games and pc computer games. In which case I can agree with that part of the statement.

However, to bery VERY clear - this is not that model. As far as I am aware, the the marketing and development "Model" Armagan has chosen is unique. There is a strong similarity to the "open source" model - by having a wide open beta, and strong - that is VERY strong, community involvement in the development and input as to product direction and content - it approaches the "open source" software development paradigm. Obviously Armagan has to retain "ultimate" control however - and that means he can do what ever he wants.

If something were to happen and everything shut down today - I agree completely with your last statement - if not more so. The current product is easily worth twice what I paid for 2 licenses and if it never changes beyond that - the ROBUST Module capability means there will still be interesting things to do with it for many years.

I think it is VERY cool to be part of a new kind of (game softare at least) development model. Armagan has to walk a fine line between what people clamor for, and what his OWN vision of the product is (not to mention what is technically feasible) - there is an inherent risk he takes in opening up the process in this way - if the community really demands a specific *something* and he cannot or will not implement it - he risks having no customers. On the other hand, he cannot implement ALL the great ideas people might have - again risking dis-satisfaction. Personally, - I think it takes a certain kind of person to be able to do that.

WRT the marketing model, I think it has already proven itself here - if the various BETA releases of M&B were not any good, or worth the money charged, then most of us would not be here - people would not have paid for it/them. I like this model - in addition it free the developer from having to find Venture capitol or investment funding - which inherently means loss of control.

If ongoing sales of beta code for the game can support the development process - that means much more control and perhaps even artistic license in the hands of the developer.. but I digress..

Thank you Armagan. I am looking forward to continuing the ride with you - wherever it may lead, and whenver ever we may get THERE - because I tell you friend, as far as I am concerned, the JOURNEY is the destination.

erm...wait a minute

this game is still in the beta stage. would you prefer it if the game was only released once v 1.0 had beed developed, like most games. we are lucky that armagan has decided to release this game before it has even been completed. as it is it is IMHO much more worth the cash as it is than most games on the market. the reason the release date is given as ''when its ready'' is because the Armagan is not the same as ''EA'' . this is not a game which has been put together quickly and badly just to make more money for a company. it will take a long time for v1.0 to arrive but with the amount of mods that there are it is a hard game to get tired of.

v1.0 will probably not be radically different from the current version, it will have new features annd probably modding possibilities, but will essentially be the same sort of thing. if you dont like the game as it is then i would stop playing. if Armagan wanted he could do some insignificant updates very quickly and bring out 1.0 whenever. would you prefer a 1.0 very similar to the current version or one that would take longer to develop, but be a much better and stabler game.
whats the hurry you say? I bought the game months and months ago and its changed only in the smallest ways.
Please don't forget that Armagan has spent a lot of time for mod tools after he released 0.632. That's why we see a little new features lately. I have also complaint about this mod tools at first since they took so much of time. But now I see very good mods are coming nicely, (LOTR mod for example, I can't stop playing nowadays), I think releasing mod tools was a wise decision. And I think this is also unique for this game to release the mod tools before the full version of the game. I hope we will see more features fastly in the upcoming versions.
Btw, they were planning to expand the team, does anyone know anything about this?
Everyone stop sucking up for a bit and realise that we did indeed pay money for this game, therefore, we are investors.
Whether you want to see V1.0 soon or not, it should get there, and I think having sucessfully persuaded us to purchase this game from him, Armagan should really be aiming for a full release sometime.

I don't want to have wasted my money on something that is only going to have minor updates for the next 2 years because Armagan can't be bothered to actually do any work on this game. However, I do not believe this is the case, but I want to see a bit more of Armagan taking on board our suggestions, maybe he has, but I haven't seen any evidence of it yet.

Everyone on the forums wants castle sieges and pitch battles with battling and castles and awesomeness, and everyone wants to see a more diverse game, where you don't just wonder round looking for a fight that is beneficial. Hopefully Armagan is working on this as we type, but you can't really hold your hopes up for a title saying "It will be done when it's done." You see my point...
you are not making the game, so you have no right to really descide anything about it. you paid for existing versions with fitting prices, not any promises, except having the next versions, whatever they will be.
Well Armagan could put the next versioun out as 1.00, do a few bug fixes, release a patch 1.01 and there you have your game. Honestly I am happy that the game isn't ready yet (so I can keep dreaming on).
Also remember that those purchasing the beta are paying half the price he will charge for the full release (a mere 14 bucks). Cut him some slack.

Then again, it would be nice for a progress Sticky so we know what's going on. One that only he can post in. Even if it's not a release update, just a working update, we know he's still there.

There are many sides to this, but I have to say that with the mod tools available, this was well worth the money.
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