so when are u going to fix menav

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Sergeant at Arms
why does the pole cut for 75 dmg? why at certain angles menav goes through a block and hit?
About the menav going through blocks, I suppose its the "blocking cones" of your weapon;
Hey everyone, I made some improvements to the blocking cones (which is what these issues brought forward here are about). It will be in beta within the next 1-2 patches and then make its way to live.

But I got to make clear that we don't view what happened in these videos as bugs. It's actually by design. This might feel weird and counterintuitive but let me explain:

What are blocking cones?
Blocking cones define an area around your character, in which incoming attacks will be blocked. Each blocking direction has its individual blocking cone, meaning weapons blocking to the left have a different cone, than shields or hand shields. Additionally for “weapon blocking” the attack direction also influences the size and direction of the blocking cone, while it stays the same for shield and handshield blocking.
Attack direction: Right (so from the defenders point of view, the left block is the correct one)


Notice how the Sphere turns blue on the incorrect block. Which means that it will hit the player.

Now lets rotate the character!

Notice how, because the defender had rotated into the attack direction, the attack can be blocked even with an incorrect block! (red sphere on the attacker)


And eventhough this block is correct, because of the rotation the attacker will get a hit on the defender (blue sphere)

Shield blocking to the middle. Notice how the cone is really narrow compared to weapon blocks, but covers the whole body.


Shield blocking to the side. Its not covering as much of the "wrong side" of the body as the middle block (but still way more than a wrong weapon block). So it will be easier to hit around the "wrong side" but a lot harder to hit around the "correct" side of the block.

Why don't we use the actual mesh of shields and weapons for blocking?
By nature in M&B the blocking cones need to be bigger than the actual mesh (shield, sword etc.), since we can't expect a 100% correct 3d input by the players for every incoming attack. Being 100% accurate would mean that the players somehow need to be able to not only block in the correct direction, but also at the right angle with the weapon and the correct arm position. Which are things only some VR games really make players do, or maybe QWOP lol

We assume that in real life someone holding a shield, would have a certain “radius” around where the shield is, where that someone could quickly/intuitively react and block incoming attacks. Putting that input into the responsibility of the players would add a crazy new layer to our combat gameplay and complicate it massively. I think this “wiggle room” is a fair thing to put into the hands of the game/character and not the players, kaing the gameplay better but losing out on the realism aspect in the scenarios brought up in this thread.
Also since we have different sizes of shields and weapons, we would need a custom block cone for every one of them, making it so you would have to basically relearn blocking with every new weapon you pick up. It would totally shake up the game balance as well and in the end it would actually feel less consistent.

The combat system is complicated enough. Blocking with shields already is harder than in warband (since we have directional blocking with it as well now to a degree) and there is no balance reason to punish shield users anymore.

What will change with the coming updates?
. I reduced the cone size for the inner side of shields. This reduces the blocking cone you have, with your shield, when it's in the “wrong” direction and are rotated away from the attack.
2. I made it so that “wrong” weapon blocks have a slightly larger cone to the front, since usually the weapons are angled slightly forward as well. So it will fit the ingame representation better.

Both of the changes are not dramatic. Dont expect to feel a difference right away. But (especially the first one) should reduce the scenarios that came up in this thread and make them less dramatic. But they will still happen to a degree!
Nin3 explained it here a bit hope it helps.
About the pole damage yea it needs a nerf, but then long and heavy menavlions will be totally useless in 1v1 as it already has the potential to "poke" a lot and deal no damage, just bounce off the guys armor.
If you are refering to crush through, in the current beta build, menavlions and most other weapons (except 2h maces) dont crush through anymore. It will be coming to live soon.

Block Cone changes will be coming with the next beta version.
If you are refering to crush through, in the current beta build, menavlions and most other weapons (except 2h maces) dont crush through anymore. It will be coming to live soon.

Block Cone changes will be coming with the next beta version.
Not crushed through, right and left swings from a menav will phase through a block depending on where the block makes contact (more towards the blade of the menav) if that makes sense I can try and get some footage of this tomorrow
About the menav going through blocks, I suppose its the "blocking cones" of your weapon;

Nin3 explained it here a bit hope it helps.
About the pole damage yea it needs a nerf, but then long and heavy menavlions will be totally useless in 1v1 as it already has the potential to "poke" a lot and deal no damage, just bounce off the guys armor.
I figured menav pole dmg could be less punishment like 10-20dmg making it a harder weapon to use rewarding distance and timing vs wild swings. The spear has a similar concept with good distance and aim u can do high dmg but up close u do around 10-15 dmg and sometimes no dmg at least in my experience.
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