So I found this map...

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Hello again, folks.

I found a map on a site somewhere that looks suspiciously like it came from the taleworlds forum. Someone there said it was from 'a thread about fleshing out the factions,' but didn't remember exactly where. Well, after a few searches, I found out there were too many threads with maps mentioned, and none of the obvious threads in Suggestions that talked about fleshing something out had this map in them, and that there were about a thousand pages worth of threads in the mod forums that mentioned maps. Talk about a needle in a haystack ><

Anyhow, I figured I'd post here about it - this is the place to talk about game content that's been changed in some way - even though it might be from the suggestion forum. If you can tell me where it's from, great. If this is the wrong place to post about it, sorry, I'll be glad if the mods move it and someone tells me where to try next time.

So, the map's spoilered here.

As an aside, I know the geographic features are given names usually reserved for much bigger landforms if we scale everything by how much a guy can ride in a day and how many days it takes to cross the map, but what can you do.
Most of the labels I've seen in a thread in the Duck & Spackle Tavern:,46038.0.html

Actually, it seems that the map IS from that thread.
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