[Sneak Peek] Factions Official Map Pack

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disclaimer: all maps are in WIP stage, and are bound to change

War ravaged all over the world, and every faction got its bit of the action...

Monastery, Faction: Russia
In the vast steppes of Russia, a small settlement, centuries old, was originally established around the local monastery. Now, with Napoleons troops advancing, the Russians must defend this small town from the Napoleonic onslaught. Though the French have already penetrated the initial walls, the Russians still have the monastery under their control, and any incoming enemy is bound to receive a warm welcome.

Beach, Faction: France
With Napoleon again in power, Wellington and his British forces are ordered to launch an assault to the beaches of France. Though unexpected, the French garrison in the nearby town was alarmed, and had time to prepare for the initial attack. Now Wellington has to lead his troops in the street-to-street style fighting of this idyllic French city, full of ambushpoints, flanking routes and tight corners.

Flood, Faction: The possible oriental faction, NOTE: NOT CONFIRMED AS A FACTION
Just when the forces of Napoleon landed in North Africa, a series of flash floods encountered the citys nearby of citys. Which usually would have been a rutine occupation, has turned into a logistic nightmare to the French. With the water slowing both sides down, both horsemen and infantry are easy, slowmoving targets to the enemy sniperfire.

As any of you who has been following my works, suggestions are welcome. Though I have most of the factions maps planned already, I still need ideas for the following faction maps:

Poland (Duchy of Warsaw)
**** just got epic.

For Prussia, a battlefield strikes me from some Prussian, napoleonic-era film where it was basically a plain field as the central fighting area, but on both sides of said field there was cover, burning houses/ruins previously blasted by enemy fire, fencing, etc.

Flat field =
Fence -
House +
Wheatfield /\

Top-down overview.

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Awesome. Really awesome. Specially the france map skybox.

As you want suggestion, i will say:
* A darker green texture on the grass on the Russia map.

* The flood map i think it will be better with rain, but i find really strange a desertic map being flooded. Its cool, anyway, but strange  :grin:

* I would like to see some movement on the floors. With stairs and that, so people can play between roofs of different houses, but having difficult moments on the floor. Of course, not much, or cav will be nothing.

* For the Spain map i would like to see a Sierra map. Mostly rocky mountain, with maybe dense forest. The map would be pretty vertical, like climbing throught a canyon. There could be some parts in middle points and in the front of dense forest. Like, for example, the "Foz de Lumbier". Its a famous path in the Pirineos, and probably the french army passed there. Not sure, but like the french beach map with wellington: Why not? :grin:
Images! (five images)

* About other maps i dont know because i wasnt in anyone, but i would say that a foggy map would be awesome. Not the native full fog, but something in the middle. Like Hunt mod fog.

PD. Sorry for my English
Comrade Temuzu said:
Dammit Temuzu, you're Finnish, just take a walk outside :razz:

As for Austria, I'd either suggest an alpine map or a Hungarian plain one. So either very mountainous or extremely flat. Austria's landscape is rather diverse...

Looking good though, keep up the good work :smile:
Lurdze said:
**** just got epic.

For Prussia, a battlefield strikes me from some Prussian, napoleonic-era film where it was basically a plain field as the central fighting area, but on both sides of said field there was cover, burning houses/ruins previously blasted by enemy fire, fencing, etc.

Thats exacltly one of the maps I did. So, I did 5/6 new maps, so there will be much more new maps than in any other mod I know.
lord_olafson why are you not using any of your new models?

Got the perfect setting for a swedish map!
A village with these cabins and maybe some palisades or some other light defenses. And it must be winter.

Hey it's a longshot but why not?

Give us Scots a Map to be proud of in our highland kilts!

A Bumpy hill region with a lot of shurbery and trees, Good use of the crouch feature...
Seeing as it's a highland based map you should have a few tactical chokepoints and what not
Also, It's the highland region so horses ain't welcome xD, Get your bayonets and your swords out and fight like a true Highlander

Anyway, Great work! really looking forward to seeing these being put into the next patch
They don't have any decent heather-like plants... I guess ill make do.

Climbing Ben Nevis last week gave me an idea for my Scottish map. I really want to make Edinburgh Castle at one stage though.
Just don't make the house's like that, Timber/log houses was the commun used house for the lower classes of society in sweden(I include the middle class to). Though a officers mess may look like that and of course it have to be winter!

For the russian map; Will the chappel have an openable door? I'd like like that, It would also be cool to be able to get up to the tower.(Some really steep ladder would make it.)
Some maps with the new buildings will be added, but not yet. Wait for release.
You know what would be awesome?

Create maps where the terrain is alot more important. Like siegeable houses, high grass, waterbeds, thick forests (like the one mentioned in another thread)... yet fairly flat.. maybe some flattend hills..

But make the battlefield realistic, so you actually fight close to something. Since an army would need water, cover and food. (rivers, hills/forests, villages/farms).
The next version will be much more tactical. In the current version rivers arent a problem you can walk though them without problems, but in the next version you will loose ammunition, so you have to search for bridges. The new sceneprobs are going to add great gameplay, becouse every house is enterable.
Faewulf said:
Just don't make the house's like that, Timber/log houses was the commun used house for the lower classes of society in sweden(I include the middle class to). Though a officers mess may look like that and of course it have to be winter!

For the russian map; Will the chappel have an openable door? I'd like like that, It would also be cool to be able to get up to the tower.(Some really steep ladder would make it.)

Maybe not but the red houses are more swedish, but again maybe not that realistic.

Another idea i got for a swedish map is to use Stockholm and make it into a battlefield-ish map with a frigate outside the city for the attackers and small boats which they use to get to land. This may be hard to code but it would be really cool.
Biteme, My dear not very well known scottish friend, By all means please do so  :grin: :grin: I'd love to see anything with a scottish influence,  if i knew how to create maps myself i'd be at it..
I guess its settled, Sweden will have an winter map. Placed in Finland, of course.

Also, thanks a lot for the suggestions. I forgot, Spain already has a map. I think I posted it earlier, Ill dig it up.

For Scotland... Ill see if I have spare time. Waterloo map and this map pack, aswell as Beer, War and Teutonic Knights mod are keeping me quite busy.

bjorne. said:
You know what would be awesome?

Create maps where the terrain is alot more important. Like siegeable houses, high grass, waterbeds, thick forests (like the one mentioned in another thread)... yet fairly flat.. maybe some flattend hills..

But make the battlefield realistic, so you actually fight close to something. Since an army would need water, cover and food. (rivers, hills/forests, villages/farms).
Ive been thinking of that. Something like the Battlegrounds classic linebattle map would work. But I hate Battlegrounds.
Jungle Ruins, Faction: The Netherlands
With the remainder of the Dutch armed forces trying to defend their colonies, an battle is fought deep in the jungles of East Indian island. There used to be a missionary station here, but it was burned down by the local pagans. With both sides starting opposite to eachother, they have two ways of advance: Through the wet jungles, which offer a lot of cover, but you may also lose your ammo or through the  ruins of the church, which will offer a lot of cover and close-quarters fighting.
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