
I really like Tsuken's idea of separating the economies of the 2 warring nations because then you could introduce the activity of smuggling.
Suggested Features:
1. Only a few selected goods would not be available to both sides. Let's say only the V's would have velvet and wine while only the S's would have spice and ale.
2. While a modest profit could still be had trading these and other commodities within a given nation, the greatest profit to be had is on smuggling them to the other side.
3. As has always been with neutral settlements, Zendar would be a smuggler's haven. In fact, there would be a chief smuggler in the Zendar tavern who would tell you which merchant/settlement you'd need to bring a given commodity to. There may also be a deadline and other conditions. If you attempt to transport contraband on your own (or don't meet a deadline) a merchant will not buy your contraband goods and may even report you to the authorities.
4. A nation's patroling squads might intercept you and search for contraband. If you are carrying any then the probability of detection may be reduced if you have high Charisma and/or are aligned with that nation (not neutral).
5. If you are caught smuggling then you must flee or fight. If you flee then you are outlawed by that nation as if you'd joined the other side, although you remain politically neutral. If you fight and win you can't take prisoners or any military loot. If you fight and lose it will count as either death (mission failure) or fleeing.
6. To end being outlawed you must visit a leader (count, baron?) in the hostile nation and give him the name of the chief smuggler in Zendar, who will then vanish (assassinated). A new chief smuggler will not appear in Zendar again for several weeks.
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Suggested Features:
1. Only a few selected goods would not be available to both sides. Let's say only the V's would have velvet and wine while only the S's would have spice and ale.
2. While a modest profit could still be had trading these and other commodities within a given nation, the greatest profit to be had is on smuggling them to the other side.
3. As has always been with neutral settlements, Zendar would be a smuggler's haven. In fact, there would be a chief smuggler in the Zendar tavern who would tell you which merchant/settlement you'd need to bring a given commodity to. There may also be a deadline and other conditions. If you attempt to transport contraband on your own (or don't meet a deadline) a merchant will not buy your contraband goods and may even report you to the authorities.
4. A nation's patroling squads might intercept you and search for contraband. If you are carrying any then the probability of detection may be reduced if you have high Charisma and/or are aligned with that nation (not neutral).
5. If you are caught smuggling then you must flee or fight. If you flee then you are outlawed by that nation as if you'd joined the other side, although you remain politically neutral. If you fight and win you can't take prisoners or any military loot. If you fight and lose it will count as either death (mission failure) or fleeing.
6. To end being outlawed you must visit a leader (count, baron?) in the hostile nation and give him the name of the chief smuggler in Zendar, who will then vanish (assassinated). A new chief smuggler will not appear in Zendar again for several weeks.
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