small trick

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i know this is more of a Hollywood thing but here goes..
lets say you are fighting a faster, stronger and more experienced fighter on foot. you just can't get a hit in, maybe cos he has a spear or something. now if you could THROW you main weapon, you could have a chance. so basically when you throw you mainweapon, it would become extremely powerfull but inaccurate throwing weapon. this wouldn't work on all weapons ofcoure (lances, polehammer etc.). ofcourse you'd need a new button for it. after the battle youd get it back.

the idea came to me when fighting some sea raiders. i looked at the throwing axes and thought that those could work well in melee too.
I doubt it would work, as it would be slow and heavy enough to be blocked. Allowing you to use throwing weapons in melee to reduced effect makes more sense to me.
YEAAAH!1!!!eleven!!1 Maul throwing Rune(tm) style. :twisted:

I see no harm in throwing weapons like knifes or other light weapons. But I'am not sure if it's worth the trouble.

people'd be getting 2 handed axes, mauls, great swords, and throwing them in faces. insta kill on teh caravan mastar! win! gg. D: badidea.
Man, you guys should really READ topics before *****ing. He says, it wouldn't work with some weapons. Obviously no 2H weapsons. Good idea.
Throwing all your weapons away in Rune was real fun. Only getting a little harsh in some situations because you can't fight with your fists. :razz:
Allowing you to use throwing weapons in melee to reduced effect makes more sense to me.
I agree. I'd be satisfied if you could just save one of your throwing weapons to use it in melee. Sure, a throwing axe would be worse than a hand axe, and a javelin would be worse than a spear in melee, but i think it would be nice to have the option. But throwing a primary weapon? If you were able to pick up weapons off the ground from the dead, then i would say yes...but as it is
You are a 50 level warrior in full black armor fighting a band of 5 river pirates.

You throw your lance at the first river pirate. You throw your sword at the second one. You throw an axe at the third one. You throw your shield in the fourth one...

The fifth river pirate will be beating you with a club for 5 hours. At that point (having suffered 10% damage) you will flee :lol:

With only 4 weapon slots, the idea looks impractical. Sword should be less effective than a throwing axe since the sword is not designed for such use.

Throwing, if implemented, should use a key that is away from others used in battle: you do not want to be left unarmed in the middle of the combat!

Prehaps, it can be implemented later: for making cool videos.

Therefore, the thread should be closed and marked "open when videos of the fights can be recorded" :wink:
Weapons used for melee simply are not balanced for throwing. They will fall on the ground, twist in midair, and overall cause the damage of a big pebble or a grossly thrown crowbar, but don't expect to throw a sword and stab your opponent in the back as that's an utterly ridicolous, fictious, Hollywood exploit.
and thats why i said its more of a hollywood thing. but ofcourse you couldn't throw a sword. but some polearms definitally. and the small hammers and daggers etc.
I would agree to thrown weapons being able to melee, but melee able to be thrown? I guess its alright if you really want to, but i'll be quite insensible, because you thrown away your means of defending yourself. And we'll have to assign another button to the mouse.
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