Small name change suggestions.

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Grandmaster Knight
Just suggesting a couple of name changes to some of the items in the game to make them a bit more mediaeval.

Sniper crossbow should be renamed Arbalest. There's no such thing as a sniper crossbow, but there is such thing as an Arbalest.

The two double handed swords. Great sword and Sword of war are somewhat generic. Names like Claymore and Zweihander would probably be better.

(i'd like to see a Flamberge)

As simetrical would tell you, it's heater shield, not heather shield.

Lastly, (which might be controversial) Great axe renamed to Bearded axe.

I agree, mostly.


1) There are 3 two handed swords. Bastard Sword, Great Sword, and Sword of War. I think the Sword of War should be renamed Flamberge, and the model should actually resemble a flamberge. Great Sword is fine, because that's basicaly just a big (great) sword.

2) Great Axe to Bearded Axe. I was going to post this before I saw this post. I decided to check this topic to see if it was mentioned, and there it was :razz: There goes my topic! You thief! :razz:

3) Sniper Crossbow should be renamed Arbalest. Besides, arbalest sounds cooler than sniper crossbow. That has too many syllables in it!

4) Claymores were generaly stabbing weapons, that's why they were long, pointed swords that got narrower as you reached the tip, like a triangle. Claymores would be a nice addition, because you swing them too :razz: If you renamed Great Sword/Sword of War or made a new sword called "Claymore" i would want a sword that actually looked like a claymore.

5) Heather shield. lol. I always thought that was funny :razz: Yes, it IS heater.

Good suggestions, armagan should really consider these things...
If you change the names of the weapons to Claymore and Zweihander your placing weapons that were made in north-western europe in the wrong setting... German and Irish weapons don't really have a place in M&B IMO
M&B isn't exactly a historically accurate game,see. There's stuff lying around from different places and timezones. You have a bunch of Nordic stuff that only existed around 1000 AD, a bunch of mongolian-style helms, Scimitars which were primarily middle-eastern before they made their way into european combat around 1600 i think, and armour that only started to be developed around 1400. (plate armour)

My point is, one more misplaced weapon will not hurt the game.
Aye. Claymores & flamberges are my favorite swords :smile: A claymore model wouldn't be extremely hard to make, either. Just make a long, pointed, 2 handed sword. Give it some good pierce damage. A Flamberge would be the hardest thing to make, considering how the blade was designed to look like a flame, hence the name Flamberge. It would be hard, but it could be done. Especialy if it was alphabeta doing it :razz:
We should try and get alphabeta to make a flamberge for us, and then release as a mod :smile: It could replace Sword of War or something.
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