LSP Medieval 3D Art Sly's Armour Pack WIP

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This is a fantastic set of helmets, and they fit perfectly with the helmets made by Dejawolf.

Also, you should try making this helmet:
Yeah, I might do a morion helmet. Created a Gallic Port-Type helmet for the mod Bello Civili.

Some of the faces people create in this game distort the helmet.. Not very good examples.
New helmet coming soon. Gotta fix textures a bit and include a normal map that is not going to make my helmet look like crumbled aluminum foil.

Cool. :smile:

If I may ask, where did you find the head mesh from which to base your helmet around? The Native one in commonres seems to only be half a head, which while somewhat usable, is annoying to work with.
For the first helmet, I just borrowed a helmet from one of the Native meshes and resized my helmet to match in OpenBRF. Now I use Dejawulf's coifs for size and placement comparison.
I tried using the Sallet without the coif and it vanished my character's head. It looked like the invisible man in armour. What did I do wrong?
Hello everyone, i have a question for those who know a lot more in modding, would you guys tell me how to put together 2 meshes to one item in Mount and Blade? I get a lot of trouble with items with two meshes and they always appear as only 1 mesh in game. I am using the module system to add this osp for a faction in multiplayer?
For example, if I want to add a coif to a helmet in OpenBRF, I rename the coif to the same name as the helmet but with a .1 at the end of the name. The coif and helmet being two different meshes and connected to each other in-game. The more separate meshes you want add to the main mesh, the more you increase the number at the end of the name that is associated with the base mesh.
Could you show me an example of a module_system double mesh items code please so i can see what you mean

(Thanks for quick reply aswell)
I would strongly recommend using OpenBRF- a program that edits and positions meshes, materials, and textures imported or pre-existing in Mount&Blade -rather than trying to tweak stuff in the game with module system python files.,215.0.html
So i only have to enter 1 mesh called "pizza" in module_items and the ones with .1 and .2 are added automatically
for example
["calradian_helm7", "Calradian Spangenhelm", [("Spangen_Helmet",0)], itp_merchandise|
Should work?
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