Slowdown in Full Version?

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This is a weird problem I'm having. I just bought my serial number today, and for the first time have noticed some serious slowdown. I have been running the game just fine for months, and I think it is only after getting the full version that I have been having this problem. My FPS is about 10-20, which makes it very tough to fight well.

I doubt my hardware is a problem, although there might be known issues with some of it. I'm running the game on an Pentium 4 2.8ghz with 1GB of RAM and an ATI 9800 Mobility card (256MB).

Any light anyone could shed on this problem would be appreciated; any solutions even more so :grin:
UbiquoY said:
I have been running the game just fine for months

For months! , It took me 2 day's to figure out this game was worth buying :razz:

About the slowdown.
Your computer spec's more then pass the pudding, The game run's smoothly for me with a geforce 4 , 1.2ghz athlon. So it's not your computer.

Try doing some virus scan's, Turn off those junky program's that run in the background , turn graphic's down if none of those work ^.

Oh , also Armargen has said something about , if the game become's slower , try holding alt and hit enter twice. Apparantly that help's to.

does it happen to any other game aswell?
Well, after posting, I tested my comp on Morrowind, which, even though it is horribly scripted, has always run nicely. I was half dismayed, half relieved to see that MW also ran poorly. It seems that the problem was with my comp, rather than the game. At least that means that once I figure out what's going on, M&B should run fine.

I also tried M&B, with the serial number, on another computer. It ran just fine despite lower specs, so I can safely say that there is nothing wrong with the game. Now all I have to do is fix my comp. :???:
How much Hard Drive Space do you have left? Sometimes having insufficient cache can slow down a game quite a lot..
Else: try using AdAware or similar programs to check for spyware and similar programs that might be slowing down your processor..
i have in the neigbourhood of 20GB of free hard drive. That shouldn't be the problem. I run Ad-Aware three times a week or so, although I might download a compliment program like Spybot S&D.

One thing I just thought of is my resolution. I didn't know that M&B uses your desktop resolution; maybe if I drop that from 1680xwhatever, the performance will improve.
Well, whatever problem I was having seems to have pretty much cleared itself up after I updated my video driver and let my comp stay off for a night. Thanks for everyone's help.
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