SP - General Slow down battles to make them feel epic and realistic

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I don't know if making the actual fights longer is a good idea. Battles lasted for hours or even days but there wasn't constant fighting over that period of time. Two groups of soldiers in a melee might clash for only about 10 minutes before losing cohesion and drifting apart again. A soldier would spend more time shouting at his enemy and pumping himself up than fighting. You even see this with random street fistfights, people shout at each other a lot but the actual fist fighting happens in a couple of seconds.

The irony is that because bannerlord combat is so precise (i.e. every sword swing is calculated individually), larger scale stuff like flanking and cohesion which are quite abstract don't get simulated, and also in order to slow down the fights you have to slow down the entire combat mechanic. Bannerlord is a game where you can kill someone in about 4 seconds, now imagine how drastically different the game would be if this now took 30 seconds.

I don't think so I have taken part in a line battle anyone bashing through a line is down in seconds the only way is to keep formation. Even on a mass push it would be costly. Plus a group of soldiers losing cohesion may be if they were untrained . But professional medieval soldiers would have had intensive training. As I mentioned the battle of Agincourt lasted about 3 hours, The French charged on mass, the 3 hours did included the chancing down of troops. They is no way a battle would like 20mins. As for bannerlord I am no asking for a 3 hour battle. Just that the troops on either side don't break and run in the first 5 minutes. Formation cohesion could be based on the rank of the soldiers.
I feel if they had enemies a little further apart, increased armour's effectiveness and enabled the tactics tree perks, it would go a good way towards resolving it.
It does feel like a frantic game of wack-a-mole currently. As in most combat one side runs before anything you issued orders to would be able to do much unless you have split second timing which is hard to do without a pause function on issuing orders. The pause thing itself seems unrealistic, but then the same could be said for not being able to tell you cavalry at the start of the battle to hold back and as soon as the enemy infantry engage hit them in the side. As you can't rely on your units to execute a plan without micromanaging them in real time it will always make tactics hard to pull off at the speed combat resolves itself.
Still if there was one element that was to be adjusted my vote would be for the increased effectiveness of armour as it would give you the time to micromanage the other elements.
Perhaps by changing the behavior of the bots, i also think that the stats of the heavy armor should increase and the lords should increase their hit points or have bodyguards in combat.
I think I've mentioned it before, but let's go again.

I think the duration of the battles could be slightly increased by tweaking a number of points:

Collision: You've shared it several times in this thread. The gap that existed between bots in the video of the 2016 siege; it's the ideal (imo) a long time ago (early closed alpha period) I made it known to the devs. No news from the front...

HP+50: An increase of 50 in the lifebar of all agents as this mod proposed. HEALTH REBALANCE

A substantial effect of armor protection: Just as this mod posed. ARMOR DOES SOMETHING

A less aggressive AI (more self-protective): As mod Realistic Battle Mod stated, units with a shield always carried it to the front and in general the behavior was to safeguard the own physical integrity.

Regular Arrow Damage Reduction: If we consider the above mentioned, regular arrows should infer a lower damage and cause it in a higher or lower intensity depending on the armor level of an agent. Heavy bolts and heavy arrowheads should be slightly more damaging.

Don't pay attention to the fully scripted fights in the video, nor do I get into the AI debate of that game; but think about for a moment in a 1 vs 1 with a length (+-) of the video. Obviously, in 1 vs >2 situations, the fight should take less time.

I remember there was a mod that gave the player a bit of health regeneration. I was thinking that this could also include units, when they are not fighting. In this way we could simulate fatigue in combat. We would send a group of soldiers back and rest while another who is fresher fights.
The lords should also have some troops around them, like heavy cavalry and in case you get too close they will send you to stop you. Because it is something easy to go charging against the enemy lord and kill him with the couch lance. XD
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