Skyboxes on the ground??

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Sergeant Knight
I moded flying :shock:
Unfortunately its for all somehow.

When I encounter a lead charge skyboxes on the ground substitute terrain. :???:

I´ve the slight suspect it has something to do with my scenes.
I simply copied random scene    plain  or whatever changed name and adress and edited my copies in the ingame edit:

scenes = [
  ("random_scene",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
  ("conversation_scene",0,"encounter_spot", "bo_encounter_spot", (-40,-40),(40,40),-100,"0",
  ("random_scene_steppe",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x0000000229602800000691a400003efe00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_steppe"),
  ("random_scene_plain",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x0000000229602800000691a400003efe00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("random_scene_snow",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x0000000229602800000691a400003efe00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_snow"),
  ("random_scene_desert",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x0000000229602800000691a400003efe00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_steppe"),
  ("random_scene_steppe_forest",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("random_scene_plain_forest",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("random_scene_snow_forest",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_snow"),
  ("random_scene_desert_forest",sf_generate|sf_randomize|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain_1"),
  ("camp_scene",sf_generate|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("camp_scene_horse_track",sf_generate|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("four_ways_inn",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x0230817a00028ca300007f4a0000479400161992",
    ["reserved12"],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("test_scene",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x0230817a00028ca300007f4a0000479400161992",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("quick_battle_1",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x30401ee300059966000001bf0000299a0000638f",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("quick_battle_2",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0xa0425ccf0004a92a000063d600005a8a00003d9a",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_steppe"),
  ("quick_battle_3",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x4c6024e3000691a400001b7c0000591500007b52",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_snow"),
  ("quick_battle_4",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x00001d63c005114300006228000053bf00004eb9",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("quick_battle_5",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x3a078bb2000589630000667200002fb90000179c",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
  ("quick_battle_6",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0xa0425ccf0004a92a000063d600005a8a00003d9a",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_steppe"),
  ("quick_battle_7",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(100,100),-100,"0x314d060900036cd70000295300002ec9000025f3",
  ("salt_mine",sf_generate,"none", "none", (-200,-200),(200,200),-100,"0x2a07b23200025896000023ee00007f9c000022a8", 
    [],[], "outer_terrain_steppe"),
("scene_desert_forest",sf_generate|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    ["reserved9"],["mod_chest"], "outer_terrain_plain_1"),
("camp_scene_2",sf_generate|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x300028000003e8fa0000034e00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
("two_ways_inn",sf_generate,"none", "none", (0,0),(120,120),-100,"0x0230817a00028ca300007f4a0000479400161992",
    [],["new_chest"], "outer_terrain_plain"),
("scene_plain",sf_generate|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x0000000229602800000691a400003efe00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_plain"),
("scene_snow",sf_generate|sf_auto_entry_points,"none", "none", (0,0),(240,240),-0.5,"0x0000000229602800000691a400003efe00004b34000059be",
    [],[], "outer_terrain_snow"),
Thanks in advance
I´m talking about skyboxes who are terrain.

you know instead of grass > blue sky instead of trees> clouds

i was jokink with the "flying" it is worse because every troop is walking on the skyboxes.

I had used the face editor and encountered those edited units this might have been the problem too .

And sorry i don´t really know WTF i´m talking about it is silly and i´m confused again!!
I managed to get the meaning of his words. I think. Barely.

I think he means he somehow switched the flipped the materials, for instance, the sky being on the ground, and vice versa.

I have no clue if that's even possible, but that's what he sounded like he was trying to say.
Maybe he is talking about this (happened to me last week).  I replace the line in but did not replace the *.sco file and it looked like the picture below.  So my guess is he didn't copy random_scene_plain.sco or something like that to his new scenes?  Also, the ,"sf_generate" flag is special and will generate a random scene based on the current terrain tile, so if you are trying to make a fixed scene you should not use that flag.

First its solved but still crazy. Sometime after I edit faces ingame it appears again:


Thanks HokieBT but no thats not I found a post from you about how before.

"I managed to get the meaning of his words. I think. Barely"

:oops:I didnt thought my english to be so bad but anyway its as he says:

"I think he means he somehow switched the flipped the materials, for instance, the sky being on the ground,"      yes         

  but not "and vice versa." as you may see now.
It seems not to become a seriuos problem because the whole thing disppears after restart the game
vegavak said:
Can this be made permanent? Like - for a sky based mod? Aerial combat, anyone?
yes of cause..

Meneldur said:
First its solved but still crazy. Sometime after I edit faces ingame it appears again:


Thanks HokieBT but no thats not I found a post from you about how before.

"I managed to get the meaning of his words. I think. Barely"

:oops:I didnt thought my english to be so bad but anyway its as he says:

"I think he means he somehow switched the flipped the materials, for instance, the sky being on the ground,"      yes         

  but not "and vice versa." as you may see now.
It seems not to become a seriuos problem because the whole thing disppears after restart the game
Is that axe he wears.. is it a doulbeaxe lod??
Sheriff-murder said:
Meneldur said:
:oops:I didnt thought my english to be so bad

I'm afraid it is.

so sorry but what about:
vegavak said:
Can this be made permanent? Like - for a sky based mod? Aerial combat, anyone?

"yes of cause."  bjorne.
could someone tell me how???

"Is that axe he wears.. is it a doulbeaxe lod??" bjorne.
Don´t know exactly about lod´s but its out of jikweapons pack called "DoubleHeadedGreatAxe"
so I think no
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