This event is now over. Thank you all for good times.
Welcome to the new iteration of the monthly Víkingr Shieldwall Event!
The purpose of this event is to recreate, as much as Warband permits, authentic Viking Age infantry-based combat. Emphasis is put on the thrill and intensity of melee: overlapping shields, fighting in close order, rallying around banners and depending on your companions in arms to survive a storm of blows and a hail of spears.
We hope to host this on the first Sunday of every month.
Welcome to the new iteration of the monthly Víkingr Shieldwall Event!
The purpose of this event is to recreate, as much as Warband permits, authentic Viking Age infantry-based combat. Emphasis is put on the thrill and intensity of melee: overlapping shields, fighting in close order, rallying around banners and depending on your companions in arms to survive a storm of blows and a hail of spears.
[size=14pt]Next Event: July 5th 2015
Time: 18:30 BST
TeamSpeak: Víkingr Community TeamSpeak
Server: Vikingr_Event_Server
- Remember this is a Shieldwall Event. You must stay in your shieldwall until your commander gives the signal to break order and press the charge. Even if the enemy gives way ahead of you, try to hold the line as long as possible. Flanking is strictly forbidden and will be severely punished.
- You must obey and listen to your commander at all times. There are no clans in a Shieldwall Event; instead, all players owe allegiance only to their team's commander (or to any second-in-command he or she may appoint in case of death).
- Clans may be broken up and distributed among the two teams for balance reasons.
- Usual Vikingr rules apply. This should go without saying, but Click here for a refresher.
You don't need to sign up for this event. Just make sure you are on the specified TeamSpeak 3 server (a microphone is not necessary) at the right time. The password will be distributed there shortly before the official start.
The organizers are always in need of team leaders for the Shieldwall Event. If you think you have what it takes, contact Ubbe Arnarins/KickingJoub.
All times are GMT (BST when active). Click here to see your local time.
- 18:30 - Event starts. All players must get on the TeamSpeak server.
- 19:00 - After the password to the server and the team-specific TS channels is distributed, players have joined the server and balance has sorted out, the fighting will start.
- Teamwork is everything in the shieldwall!
- If you're going to fight in the front rank, bring a good shield and don't move much, if at all, once the melee starts. Your main purpose, as long as the shieldwalls hold, will be to stand your ground and allow the second rank to get the kills. Watch out for enemy spearmen and attack only when it is more or less safe.
- If you'd like to use a spear, you'll probably be sent to the second rank. Switch to the alternate weapon mode (default key: X) to use an overarm thrust and avoid hitting your allies. Depending on what spear you're using, you may have to sling your shield over your shoulders, but as long as the front rank holds you should be relatively safe.
Feel free to use these signature by Orchid to promote the Shieldwall Event:


If you have any questions, contact Ubbe Arnarins/KickingJoub, the organizer. This thread created by Hrotha. To see the thread of the previous iteration of the Shieldwall Event, click here.