skills that could require equipment/ingredients to work

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surgery/woundTreatment/firstAid could require different equipment like bandages where better quality ones would help to speed up or give better results (percentual for surgery) for example.
There could also have herbs gathering to provide appropriate medicine to each treatment, also seasoning events when we could gather special herbs for better results.

Prisioner management would require cuffs where quality would dethermine if a liutenant would escape or not, and ammount would allow you to hold more or less prisioners.
They didn't really use so much handcuffs as much as they did whatever they had to tie people up with, unless they were specifically going to capture people. That's also what your skills are for. I don't think we'd really need manacles.
How would these items be found? Killing some sort of enemy party like 'Monk foraging party' or something? Or from very high prices at merchants? I'd prefer the merchant method, since that would provide a new denar sink for high-level charecters. This goes along well with the 'enchanted weapons' suggestion someone made last month.
Dunno... I actually like the fact that the game has minimal micromanagement... It's annoying enough to have to worry about food all the time... But don't get me wrong, I don't want to see food gone... In fact the only other bit of micromanagement I'd add would be grain for horses...
But in a way that it's not essential or the horses will die, there's always grass to feed them, but grainfed horses tend to be fitter and stronger, so having grain for them would give them a slight boost in speed perhaps...

I'd cope with adding bandages and stuff if they also weren't essential, but gave a boost...
In the absence of much of anything else to do in M&B except to fight and fight, I wouldn't mind adding some things that I usually wouldn't care for like the items suggested: bandages, medicines, surgical tools, arm guards for archers, etc.

Maybe getting your hero and his troops all geared up with optional or relatively minor items could add some new reasons to visit some town or go on some mission. It would make it more interesting to me if, for example, the only way to get a certain shield with a really cool insignia, would be to complete a difficult mission. It wouldn't be a magical shield or a extra-durable one, just a shield that signified your hero had completed The Halmar Mission or The Sargoth Incident or The Tulga Quest..

So, yeah, I like M&B's emphasis on fighting but some non-combat and ceremonial side items would make for variety.
The 'micromanagement' you say is to me like 'look item by item and compare stats'.

Yep sometimes I also get bored on doing so cuz each town has too many stuff to be compared with other equipment we already own. And many are visually identical :sad:.

My suggestion on this would be: We select an item in our inventory and the merchant items are marked then, with a red background stuff cheaper than our currently selected item, with a green background stuff more expensive.
The criteria could be selectable: by price, by damage/protection value, by damage kind (pierce,cut or bash), and so on.
Items that are not compatible like pierce weapon (ex 15p) and cut weapon (ex 15c) would get grayed also to help our view to filter them out. In this case, a max damage criteria would allow comparison with pierce and cut tho but not with weapon and shield, or with melee and ranged weapon see what I mean :smile:.

The boring on micromanagement is having to do it very often to me. This funcionality would be a relief :grin:.

Tho micromanagement (I am still trying to get used to this word :razz:) is a cool RPG thing :smile:.
MMad said:
Sounds like too much boring micromanagement to me.
So don't do it.

If something is included in a game in such a way that a person could, if he wanted, improve some stats or heal his troops faster, improve their morale, or acquire some trinket, it doesn't mean anyone has to make use of it.

For me, M&B has been a great deal of fun as it is, but the point is for me, there's very little variety left. So, if there's a choice of additional items, quests, skills, tools, etc., I'm trying to see and discuss whether it would add something positive to the game. I think it might and I've explained why.
Acquiring small tools and ceremonial items are also a good addition to rp game pleasure and game atmosphere. Though being crowded by them may get you lost, having some would do a nice add i guess
I think it would be nice if you could get medals and a dress uniform from your nation's leader to wear when you were in their towns, such as there are in SM Pirates. Such as when you kill a certain amount of war parties you might get the Tactical Excellence Medal, or if you don't attack any of your nation's troops ever you might get a good conduct medal.
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