Skill/Stat Build

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Just checking, what is the skill/stat build you guys are using.



from the top of my head (not accurate, but the most important ones)
7 Iron Skin/Flesh ??
7 Power Strike
7 Power Draw
7 Shield
8 Weapon Master
8 Riding
8 Horse Archery
8 Athletics
4 Prisoner Managment
6 Leadership

All skills are 400+ now, except throwing only 112 :razz:

One thing i noticed is that somehow ones you hit 8 in some skills, the game suddenly increases speed npc's ride faster/walk faster.. also my own movement seems to have increased drastically it's actually annoying to use horse archery over walkin archery now since your aiming (mouse) movement seems to like tripled even though i stil used the same mouse sensitivity as before (possible M7/HugeMod issue????)
Is it depressing when the only reply you get to a thread is some ******* being sarcastic to make you feel that little thrill of hope when you see your thread revived, and then have it smashed when you read his post?
Having that high a shield skill is just a waste. Mine is on five, with a Reinforced Steel Shield, and I've never even come close to losing it. Could probably get away with a skill of two or three.

So unless you're planning in playing a barbarian who only uses bucklers or something, I'd suggest putting those skill points elsewhere.
I have a reinfoced steel shield to with no shield skill points and it never breaks, at least not out side the arena but thats a different shield.
High shield can be helpful if you up against alot of foot archers (throwing weapons).. aka sea raiders just bunch them up in a group of 10-20 and keep running em down, knocking them unconcious with your charger. :smile:

Sometimes my shield ends up looking like a porcupine. :razz:

@Harr-the-ruskie... 1 point intellect gets you another skillpoint
@Aethelwyn... i didnt use ctrl-x :wink:
@DaLagga... took me alot of hours :roll:
@Velax... i love to solo(vs 100+ armies, so high shield is nice to use, and there's no other skill usefull out there to put the points in anyways since i have the most important ones allready maxed
I dont want to derail your work (as it obviously took a long time to get there), but a maxed out build is kinda trivial and not very interesting. The way you got there is much more useful. In what order did you raise your skills? :smile:

The same goes for Marnid and Borcha (is it better to increase strength/fighting ability or party skills first?) though I guess you dont use them since you prefer going solo. Playing with three musketeers could be kinda cool, but I dont think the twats have the brains to keep a distance even if equipped as horse archers. Not to mention that it ticks me off to be killed by Marnid's javelins:smile:
zaleukos said:
I dont want to derail your work (as it obviously took a long time to get there), but a maxed out build is kinda trivial and not very interesting. The way you got there is much more useful. In what order did you raise your skills? :smile:

The same goes for Marnid and Borcha (is it better to increase strength/fighting ability or party skills first?) though I guess you dont use them since you prefer going solo. Playing with three musketeers could be kinda cool, but I dont think the twats have the brains to keep a distance even if equipped as horse archers. Not to mention that it ticks me off to be killed by Marnid's javelins:smile:

I started out as Female/Hunter, put 3 points in agi (11)
Put skill points in Horse Archery/Riding and Leadership.
Rode towards the nearest swadian town and maxed out troops in militia and building them up to knights.
I first get my agi to 18, for 6 riding/horse archery, then i get str to 12 (power draw 4, warbow), then charisma to 18, for 6 leadership/4 prisoners
(in the meantime freeing peasant women and training them to swordsisters, my army is 50% knights/50% swordsisters usually, or for fun you can go 100% slaver chiefs and knock out whole armies :twisted: )
then int to 14, and invest the excess points in athletics/shield/iron flesh/power strike to the max, whatever points i have left i save up. Your now level 35, and leveling starts feel like grinding at this point (which it is hehe..) then for the last 15 points, i first get str up to 21 (7 powerstrike/iron flesh/shield etc) and last ill get agi up to 24 (8 riding/horse archery/athletics)

The point where i get int up to 14, i switched from archery to charging down enemys with spirited charger and skull smacking with 2-h axe's/lance+shield/2-h hammer.

But it depends mostly on what army im facing, if its large bands of mountain/sea/river bandits, i dismount and my group aswell and let them hold up the nmy horsemen while i headshot them off with warbow, 3xbodkin arrows and then 'ploink' the footmen in their heads. If its khergit/black knights groups i just solo lance/axe them.

Marnid i train for wound treatment type skills, Borga i assign to pathfinding/tracking etc.
Since the 2 npc's are so damn mindlessly they will charge head first into a zerg of nmy and get owned, so it's a bit pointless to give them good fighting ability, i just use them for the party skills.
That's a nice build. I'd say do away with shield skills and then you can invest less in intelligence to get 24 str/24 agi which will make you the ultimate combat machine.
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