Ben: You are Palestinien?
Hasan Abadi: Yeah. you ?
Ben:I'm Turkish
Hasan Abadi: oo nicehow old are you ?
Ben: 14.
Hasan Abadi: hhhhh
Ben: Hmm. What do you know about the Ottoman?
Hasan Abadi: Everything
Ben: Hmm. You are love Ottoman and Turkish?
Hasan Abadi: yas
Ben: So what do you think about the withdrawal of the Ottomans from Arabia?
Hasan Abadi: Best if they exist
Ben: What is the situation in the war ?
Hasan Abadi: In truce
Ben: Does Hezbollah aid?
With Hamas?
Hasan Abadi: Hamas only of defending Palestine
Hasan Abadi: No. Hizbullah is fighting in Syria
Ben: Hmm. You are live in Palestine? Huh?
Hasan Abadi: I live in now
Ben: Is there a university in Palestine ? Or do you see in Egypt or teaching ?
Hasan Abadi: Yes, there are universities in Palestine
Ben: Really?
Hasan Abadi: 20 Universty
Ben: Turkey has 196 universty
Hasan Abadi: wow
Ben: But we are 90 age. And Erdogan is American puppet
Hasan Abadi: Palestine is very small. Number only 5 million
Ben: They are sell Turkey
Hasan Abadi: One of the best in the era of Erdogan's Turkey. Or before Erdogan
Ben :Turkey is very mixed
Hasan Abadi :Erdogan, a man very cool. He supports Hamas and supports Palestine. And not criminal, such as the Arab rulers Turkey's economy and strong because of him. Erdogan was elected from? Turkish people ؟ You have chosen Erdogan . Of the vote 55%
Ben: Yeah. But Turkish economy is very bad. TL very lose value. Golden is very expensive
Hasan Abadi: I do not know. But it is better than the economy in Palestine.
Ben: İt's normal. Palestine is under attack