Situation to cry for... number 2!

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Soso, as read in the previous post i had fun losing my only castle and Mr. Altman betraying on my kingdom and therefor giving a newly conquered castle to the khergit!

Following situation occured, i restarted, used some cheats to get bout same character lvl again. I captured a new castle, started my alliance, defended castle way better now and no massive lord pounding so far.
I noticed an easy castle pick with low guards (prolly after a recent siege) i started the siege and conquered it. Immediatly after conquering, and yes this is a question aka. call for help, my dear Knight Altman went from reputation +15 to -10 wéééééé. How is this possible? any ideas?
I don't fully understand, so I'll take a guess. After restarting you "hired" Altman as your lord again and when you captured the castle you guys butted heads, is that accurate?  I think the rep drop is because poor Altman doesn't have a fief.
I think you are correct, somehow when i got my first fief (castle + town) i recruited him and gave the castle to Altman.
Seems the village stays to me (as my hometown or something) and when i capture the next he goes jalous :-p
As stated before... it seems Knight Altman is a cheeky bastard... just kill him when you get the chance, trust me you'll be waaaaay better of  :lol:
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