Sit down!

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Revan Shan

Grandmaster Knight
It's one of the few things that bug me in the game. Nobody sits down. Not even in the tavern. They just stand up doing nothing. That looks weird.

It would be great to have a sitting option, just like in Caribbean Tales, Jedi Knight, Fallout 3, or Oblivion (TES).
Agreed, would be nice to dodge sword attack with sit animation (If, ofcourse, could be used in battle)
FREAKY  :shock:. I was going to suggest the exact same thing dude, you must be psychic  :shock: lol.

yeah I totally agree with you. My reason for this little want is because, Im playing Sword of Damocles for M&B and Im the King of my Faction now, and in the Lords Hall of my Home Town there is a wee Desk and a Throne beside it like in every Lord's Hall as you know.

And it bugged me that I couldn't feel...Kingly and Commanding by sitting down on my Throne right in front of my Vassals and my Chancellor and Marshall and all etc, which would look really cool.

Im with ya in this one mate :wink:
Yeah definatly the taverns Im with you there dude  :shock:.
And even the castles, when I go into Praven Lords Hall I be expecting King Harleaus to be sitting on his Throne...
And yeah back to taverns people should be in seets on the bar stools etc.
And maybe even seats in the town streets and all.

Is it possible to do guys?
SellSword said:
Agreed, would be nice to dodge sword attack with sit animation (If, ofcourse, could be used in battle)

Ha. If you'd try to use sitting down as dodge you'd fall on your ass/catch the attack with your teeth. Seems a bad idea.
So...does anyone know if its possible??

Im with you here in this request dude :wink:
Hear hear for sitting! One great, simple, little touch of MnB is the ability to see your torso and feet while in first person mode, and another would be the option to rest said torso for a while.
Hear hear for sitting! One great, simple, little touch of MnB is the ability to see your torso and feet while in first person mode, and another would be the option to rest said torso for a while.

I dont really understand anything in your post there dude  :neutral:. Lol.
Mick95 said:
Hear hear for sitting! One great, simple, little touch of MnB is the ability to see your torso and feet while in first person mode, and another would be the option to rest said torso for a while.

I dont really understand anything in your post there dude  :neutral:. Lol.

When you're in a battle or just alking around, when you go into first person mode (hotkey R) he wants to be able to look down and see his torso, legs and feet. He wants to be able to rest them by sitting down too :grin:

I think its a good idea that isn't really worth implementing. Facing facts, M&B needs a lot of work doing to make it a truly great game, there are so many flaws. But the design team is small, and the game is not very well known and i'm sure sales are nowhere near the likes of Oblivion. Thats why the design team need to focus only on what matters. I guess the online expansion is a step in the right direction. There are also lots of features in mods that we would all like to see implemented in Native, such as speaking to guild master from the menu etc. Just little things.

But sitting down would take a lot more work, as they have to create the animation for it. Its not as easy as it looks, which is probably why they didn't bother in the first place  :razz:
which is probably why they didn't bother in the first place  :razz:

Indeed :sad:. But everyone knows games take a lot of work, and even if Oblivion wasn't perfect, good going to Bethesda for making such a great game. If Oblivion can do all these little things such as sitting down and all...then surely M&B can do it :sad:. I hope its not laziness :sad:...
I dont think this really matters to Revan Shan anymore lol  :lol: he hasnt replied.

Well hopefully this gets made someday :smile:.
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