Sir Roland

It all began when Roland a simple squire of a lowly knight-guard of Sargoth was called into court by the king himself. Naturally Roland was suprised as he was just a lowly squire a no importance at all. The king sparing him but only a glance handed him a letter and declared that it should be delivered to Lord Hakl of Zendar. That very day Roland set out toward zendar with a few men picked by the captain of the guard.
Two days after leaving Sargoth toward zendar they reached the source of the zendar river that appears out of the very ground and not from a mountain. However some bandits were waiting....
Sadly the bandits made short work of the men and roland was no match for their numbers.

When Roland finally woke he found his escort all had scumbed to deaths embrace or fled. He found the letter missing from his pack. Even though his quest was surely doomed he continued on to zendar in search of help.

Arriving with naught but the cloths on his back and sword in hand he arrvied at zendar. His pleas for help where ignored until finally he came to a man noble enough to help him.

He told Roland that he know of the bandits that had robbed him and agreed to help him with the task. The constable gave Roland command of some of the local Conscripts and Footmen. Within an hour Roland set out to catch the thieves.
Unfortunately It took longer than he expected but finally he had caught the bandits in a trap. Trapped between Rolands men armed with bows and crossbows and the mighty zengar river the bandits had the nerve to fight on.

After the fight and much looting to the enjoyment of the men Roland sporting his new chainmail found the letter. It was however drenched in the bastard's blood. Roland was cursed. He knew it. His men knew it. The world new it. Still he returned to zendar and requested an audience with Lord Hakl.

After relating the tale and delivering the bloody letter to Hakl Roland was sure he was to be flogged. Nobles are always assholes who think everyone is below them. Then much to his bewilderment Hakl burst out laughing.
"Uh Sir...what is so funny?" Roland asked
Hakl with the greatest of grins replied "Oh but you good sir, never have I seen someone so scared in my life. Look their your shaking in your boots! One would of thought you thought me as petty as one of the kings courtiers. Hmm...Aha! I have been looking for an excuse to get out of zendar. We will travel back to Sargoth and ask good ol' Harlaus what was in the letter." And with that Hakl walked out of the room.
That knight Roland went to the tavern and got drunk. Very Drunk. Drunk enough to when he finally woke up from being passed out he found himself tyed in a very uncomfortable position to a horse moving at a slightly faster than he wished speed. Much to Rolands relief he was not kidnaped by slavers or such. Hakl was riding just were he could see him. However when Roland cryed out everyone ignored him. Finally after several hours the horse stopped and roland was untied. Falling from the horse and swearing that he would never stand again he saw why they had stopped. Another party of the kings troops had been spotted and they were camping together for safty. A very sore and tired Roland quickly went to sleep.
He awoke that morning to the blast of the warning horn meaning they were under attack! Roland grabbed the nearest sword and shield and went looking for Hakl.
-A Very angry raider.-

Apparently the other group of soldiers charged the raiders and were slaughtered easily. The remaning men under Lord Hakl's command had retreated to a nearby hill and prepared to waitout the onslaught by these attackers.

The expert marksmen under Hakl's command picked off many of the raiders first wave. However the second was more careful and brang bows and spears and returned volley for volley.

When the raiders were finally whittle down to a few men Hakl ordered the charge and Roland was at the head of it.
-Roland disarmed of his shield and charging the remaning raider-archers-

The aftermath of the battle was bloody. While victory was theirs over half their number was dead and all but a few wounded. Nevertheless they traveled onto Sargoth as a somewhat reduced pace.
Finally after several days of marching they came to Sargoth and requested an audience with the king. However instead they were taken to Count Belicha who gave them their orders that the letter had contained.

(-----------Finish Part One---------)
Argh...ok thats enough for now....need sleep. Oh and if I hear one post about any spelling grammar mistakes i will slap you. Its 2:10 p.m. of the next day and I havent been to sleep. I will finish it later
Two days after leaving Sargoth toward zendar they reached the source of the zendar river that appears out of the very ground and not from a mountain. However some bandits were waiting....
Sadly the bandits made short work of the men and roland was no match for their numbers.

When Roland finally woke he found his escort all had scumbed to deaths embrace or fled. He found the letter missing from his pack. Even though his quest was surely doomed he continued on to zendar in search of help.

Arriving with naught but the cloths on his back and sword in hand he arrvied at zendar. His pleas for help where ignored until finally he came to a man noble enough to help him.

He told Roland that he know of the bandits that had robbed him and agreed to help him with the task. The constable gave Roland command of some of the local Conscripts and Footmen. Within an hour Roland set out to catch the thieves.
Unfortunately It took longer than he expected but finally he had caught the bandits in a trap. Trapped between Rolands men armed with bows and crossbows and the mighty zengar river the bandits had the nerve to fight on.

After the fight and much looting to the enjoyment of the men Roland sporting his new chainmail found the letter. It was however drenched in the bastard's blood. Roland was cursed. He knew it. His men knew it. The world new it. Still he returned to zendar and requested an audience with Lord Hakl.

After relating the tale and delivering the bloody letter to Hakl Roland was sure he was to be flogged. Nobles are always assholes who think everyone is below them. Then much to his bewilderment Hakl burst out laughing.
"Uh Sir...what is so funny?" Roland asked
Hakl with the greatest of grins replied "Oh but you good sir, never have I seen someone so scared in my life. Look their your shaking in your boots! One would of thought you thought me as petty as one of the kings courtiers. Hmm...Aha! I have been looking for an excuse to get out of zendar. We will travel back to Sargoth and ask good ol' Harlaus what was in the letter." And with that Hakl walked out of the room.
That knight Roland went to the tavern and got drunk. Very Drunk. Drunk enough to when he finally woke up from being passed out he found himself tyed in a very uncomfortable position to a horse moving at a slightly faster than he wished speed. Much to Rolands relief he was not kidnaped by slavers or such. Hakl was riding just were he could see him. However when Roland cryed out everyone ignored him. Finally after several hours the horse stopped and roland was untied. Falling from the horse and swearing that he would never stand again he saw why they had stopped. Another party of the kings troops had been spotted and they were camping together for safty. A very sore and tired Roland quickly went to sleep.
He awoke that morning to the blast of the warning horn meaning they were under attack! Roland grabbed the nearest sword and shield and went looking for Hakl.
-A Very angry raider.-

Apparently the other group of soldiers charged the raiders and were slaughtered easily. The remaning men under Lord Hakl's command had retreated to a nearby hill and prepared to waitout the onslaught by these attackers.

The expert marksmen under Hakl's command picked off many of the raiders first wave. However the second was more careful and brang bows and spears and returned volley for volley.

When the raiders were finally whittle down to a few men Hakl ordered the charge and Roland was at the head of it.
-Roland disarmed of his shield and charging the remaning raider-archers-

The aftermath of the battle was bloody. While victory was theirs over half their number was dead and all but a few wounded. Nevertheless they traveled onto Sargoth as a somewhat reduced pace.
Finally after several days of marching they came to Sargoth and requested an audience with the king. However instead they were taken to Count Belicha who gave them their orders that the letter had contained.

(-----------Finish Part One---------)
Argh...ok thats enough for now....need sleep. Oh and if I hear one post about any spelling grammar mistakes i will slap you. Its 2:10 p.m. of the next day and I havent been to sleep. I will finish it later