Simplify a model?

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I use wings 3d and I was wondering:

I know how to smooth models, but is there a way to simplify them instead, to make them less detailed? Like smoothing in reverse? :???:

I have made a bandolier for my mod, but since I used the bullets I modeled it has a poly count of around 18000. Needless to say, I would like to cut that down, and I don't want to have to replace 90 bullets individually. :roll:

Any ideas? I have seen the .lod files in the .brf file editor - these seem to be what I'm going for. How do I make these? or are these specially made, individually textured, low-poly models? Any help is much appreciated. :grin:
All the LOD's my team makes for the star wars mod have to be individually created lower-poly models.  If there was a way to automatically reduce polys that would be great, but I don't think there is one....
there are tools but they have complications in themselves it would be faster to simply make a tiny 10 triangle bullet and duplicate it 90x
even then you'd end up with a 900 triangle bandolier, blender has a duplicate along curve process to handle things like this,
im not sure about wings 3d
If you own any version of 3DS/MAX, they have a tool that will "optimize" a model.  This tries to remove vertices that lie on the same plane as others.  I don't know wings or blender, but look for something like optimize.

You could do this manually, by removing vertices and rebuilding faces, but again, I only know max.
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