Simple Suggestion regarding Quest Log

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What do you guys think of the ability to cancel quests without having to travel to the quest-issuing count?

I hate failing to capture the nobleman/kill raiders/etc and have to run back to Count Winky just to get rid of the quest from my quest log... Anyone else think this is a decent idea?
Well, you could just ignore it. It wouldn't hurt anything to be able to delete them, though. Except, what if later you decide to finish the quest?
Tiedye said:
Well, you could just ignore it. It wouldn't hurt anything to be able to delete them, though. Except, what if later you decide to finish the quest?

I mean regarding failed quests, such the ones where you have to kill/capture certain NPC's and have a time limit. You fail, and the failed quest just sits there festering.

Well you can't get another quest to replace it until you talk to Count Winky. If there was a "failed quests" option, it might be neat. Just to see how many quests you've failed over time but I don't think a quest should go there until you talk to Count Winky.

I only wish there was a way to cancel a quest once you'd gotten it. Say talk to Count Winky and say "You know what, stuff you and your nobleman". I can't remember why but there was some quest I wish I'd just been able to say "Sorry, don't want to do it anymore" before I'd finished it.
I would like to be given the choice of accepting/declining the mission after the count describes it. Like the merchant quests. Although perhaps it is realistic that the counts expect you to drop everything, and do his bidding.
Damn nobles. They always think they can tell you what to do. :lol:

But after all... aren't you the one who goes there asking for a mission? :razz:
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