Simple suggestion: mouse wheel

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I always wondered why we cant assing the mouse well to any control in M&B. I always use the well in games. The weel could be assigned to "next weapon" (a "previous weapon" command could be a nice addition too), "zoon" or anything, of course. Why not to use the weel? Is just a another input and its very handy.
I've used the mouse wheel to zoom the main map back and forth. This is with vanilla M&B, I didn't do anything to the game.
Really? Hmm, then why cant I? Ive tried several times, it never worked. You are talking about pressing the mousewheel (which is actually mouse button 3), or spinning it? I know I can assign mouse button 3 to controls, but when I try to assign wheel up or wheel down, nothing happens.
You're right. You can't assign the mouse wheel to anything. Mouse3, yes...but not the mouse scroll. I always use this feature in all FPS's to switch between weapons, and found it annoying that i couldn't use it for the same function in M&B. I completely forgot about that...thanks for pointing it out Elias.
Neither can I.. I have no idea how you managed to assign the mouse wheel in the controls ::\ (although yes it works for zoom in / out - but I would prefer to have it switch weapons etc instead ::\)
:???: Extremley strange, I have successfully added the "mouse wheel" into the game; changing the 'view outfit' command to the mousewheel instead (it's much easier XD). I'm sure this can be done to many other things.
I'm going to guess it has something to do with the mouse driver and version of windows., Because I can assign the wheel witout a problem to either buttton 3 or the scroll
I agree with you there. It is a little frustrating having to move your hand over to the [ and ] keys to switch weapons.
I just discovered that I can use the wheel to zoom up and down at the world map, that means M&B "knows" I have a mouse with wheel. But I still cant assign it to anything in the controls menu. Im using Windows XP, my mouse is a "generic" optical mouse using Windows drivers and I never had any problem assiging wheel_up and wheel_down to controls in games, I do it all the time in FPSs.
I made a thread about this a few days ago and got the same response: "It works for me, so I don't know." It's not me. I have three computers with varying hardware, Windows versions and mice, and none of them can bind MWHEELUP and MWHEELDOWN in options. I've polled everyone I know that has the game (3 or 4 people I've infected with the M&B flu) and none of them can use the wheel either.

I, too, use the wheel for weapon changing in other games and would like to see this looked into. For now I have the switch keys set well enough, but I would like to use the wheel and free that prime key real estate for other functions.
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