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Hey guys Im kinda new here but I was wondering somebody posted something about demons, do they show up at a certain day or do I need to Activate something.
texasallstar6969 said:
Hey guys Im kinda new here but I was wondering somebody posted something about demons, do they show up at a certain day or do I need to Activate something.
They are a rare spawn. You will get a message saying "A passing farmer tells you that the Snake Cult has summoned a demon" or something like that. Then it will be wandering around the map. Be careful, that army is very powerful.
Thought it was the heretic army, which has demonic warriors, Sword sisters in black armor, and the thougest foes you can find up to now.
But, are there "real" demons in PoP?
Unless your alter ego evolves into one by outlevelling anything else, no, there aren´t. There´s only the Demonic Warriors from the Heretic Army Spawns. And they are nigh-impossible to defeat.
noosers said:
Unless your alter ego evolves into one by outlevelling anything else, no, there aren´t. There´s only the Demonic Warriors from the Heretic Army Spawns. And they are nigh-impossible to defeat.

That's not quite true... I tend to ignore the massive and scary Heretic armies and their Demonic headaches and instead claim the moral victory... Maybe not as satisfying but infinitely less painful.  :grin:
I found a nice use for the demonic warrior out my mismatched army. I had built up a large army wandering around fighting and rescuing prisoners. Unfortunately it was a couple of this faction and that faction etc. I had no cohesiveness, just a large smattering of different troops albiet many higher level. Then I ran into the heretic army with around 600 soldiers and 6 or 8 demonic warriors. I thought I would give them a go..I can take em 108 to 600ish with the battles set to 100.

1 minute 32 seconds later I was being carried off the field after recieving a couched lance strike in the huge initial calvary rush...No problem..I'll charge again and make sure to avoid the initial clash. 3 minutes later I was being carried off the field agian but this time I had killed a few heretics. I'll have at them again..I finally got my sights on a demonic warrior..It took 3 or 4 couched lance strikes on the horse before they were on foot. Once of foot she flew around mauling my infantry as I repeatedly made passes with lance and axe. Finally she went down and in my celebration I failed to see her sister closing on me lance leveled at my head.

So after a large reduction in funds, gear, companions and the total loss of troops I was whisked around the map for a while before escaping. Hehe it was a fun if not painful lesson.

I did try them again with a force of around 85 of my own when 2 Sarleon Lords engaged the army of about 350. Same result it just took a little longer. needless to say I haven't tangled with them again. But I love the fact that they are in the game along with the snake army and raider army.
Burch said:
I did try them again with a force of around 85 of my own when 2 Sarleon Lords engaged the army of about 350. Same result it just took a little longer. needless to say I haven't tangled with them again. But I love the fact that they are in the game along with the snake army and raider army.

Yes, it is nice but the Snake army taught me those lessons even before I got to the Heretics... Something like 'Oh look, here comes their cavalry! I'll just kill a few of the tougher ones, my guys can handle the rest. Where are they? Oh there's one there, CHAR....! *ouch*' One Jarid to the head and a headache for me too...Damn stupid armies of doom and their bald women of evil...
Another reason to give fighting Snake Cult Armies a try.I hope saxondragon keeps this particular feature in the new version of the mod.

With some misgivings I took on a larger Snake Cult Army when I saw there were no Demonic Warriors in that particular group.It was a pretty big mob, but "No guts,no glory.....charge".Managed to barely defeat them and there was a very nice surprise in the loot.An ugly, ugly horse "Netherworld Charger", requires Riding-5, Armor-90,Speed-37,Maneuver-33,Charge-45 !!!, Hit Points-500 !!!  This horse saved me from defeat a couple times. Large infantry heavy armies getting close to attack me with a lot of reinforcements nearby, at the end I was the only survivor because of this horse.Shield up, charge enemy infantry. A couple of hits with this ugly nag and soldiers were out cold and it just shrugged off hits like they were gnat bites. Any other horse wouldn't have lasted a minute. After a half hour or so I managed to run down all the enemy infantry, the other troops had already been knocked out by my little army before they in turn were eliminated. It made a kind of epic battle with loads of renown points. Since then I've captured, over many, many hours of play, another of those horse, a stubborn version that required Riding-6. I give him to one of my companions when we're about to take on enemy armies that aren't particularly cavalry heavy. I hope this horse is retained in the newest version of the mod, though they should be very hard to get, just as they are now.

Chiksika said:
Another reason to give fighting Snake Cult Armies a try.I hope saxondragon keeps this particular feature in the new version of the mod.

The Netherworld mounts are in 2.0, and difficult to obtain. And... the Snake Cult gets a surprise up it'ss ssleeve as well.
I LOVE them netherworld mounts... I have 4 with my companions... and in 1.21 alot of time the Cobra warriors I capture and eventually convince to join my army have them as well. TANKS I say.
Hmm, that gives me ideas, recruiting Cobra Warriors, I never tried that. I use the Valkyries and Lady Valkyries a lot, and it seems the Cobra Warriors are their most dangerous foes for some reason. I don't lose too many of them to knights or other high tier enemies but Cobra Warriors pick them off more than I'd like.
They seemed relatively easy to recruit in 1.21, and the henchmen will upgrade to Cobras as well.
They are easy to get in 2.0 as well. And Cobra´s upgrade into Anaconda Knights. They tend to eat Valkyries and Lady Valks alive for breakfast. Javelin to the head helps a lot :wink: And a couched Awlpike works well against those fast chicks too.
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