Simple question.

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Şah Uyghur

Hey guys, I just installed Anno domini and I already have a problem. My party (army) wont fallow my order. When battle starts I set them up in formations, but they don't listen to me when I tell them to stay close or far. They dont even charge or try to run and get the enemy. They only moves after I got knocked out. Any suggestions?  Thanks.
Şah Uyghur said:
I just installed Anno domini
if u enter that title to dowload its the old version, u should enter "the snew subversion" menu to download the last version available...

anyway its strange, i played old version until i few days ago and it work perfect to me... maybe its something wrong with the links or something, because like i say they arent working on that old version...
Okay my question has nothing to do with the original topic, but I hate opening threads for every bloody question ...

I have one specific and a general question; In my current campaign I am a lord of the HRE and nothing works, like I would wish to ...
We are at war with Hungary (it should be Poland imo ... ) and since the Hungarians couldn't resist the full force of our Army (completely gathered ~1800 men)
I try to support my liege, but try to look for battles that would on the one hand boost my relation with the lords while actually not capturing anything.

This seems to be okay so far, BUT the damn Mongols are conquering half of Hungary in the meantime, which is completely dull ...
=  "Germans fighting hungarians while letting Mongols conquering half of Hungary"  :roll:
But I don't have any chance to make peace between H and the HRE nor to convince my king to attack the Horde ... -> not a funny campaign ...

And right now another stupid thing happens: the papal states declared war to us (the HRE) - wtf ???
right now continueing with this campaign seems obsolete for me ...

so here are my questions:

1.) What in general can I do to influence the course of action of a kingdom while only beeing one of its vassels ?
(technically and practically - no matter if forcing the game to do so or just influencing ...)

2.) How could I start a new campaign without loosing all my relation to the lords, cities and villages of my realm ?
Ritter_Ronald said:
Okay my question has nothing to do with the original topic, but I hate opening threads for every bloody question ...

I have one specific and a general question; In my current campaign I am a lord of the HRE and nothing works, like I would wish to ...
We are at war with Hungary (it should be Poland imo ... ) and since the Hungarians couldn't resist the full force of our Army (completely gathered ~1800 men)
I try to support my liege, but try to look for battles that would on the one hand boost my relation with the lords while actually not capturing anything.

This seems to be okay so far, BUT the damn Mongols are conquering half of Hungary in the meantime, which is completely dull ...
=  "Germans fighting hungarians while letting Mongols conquering half of Hungary"  :roll:
But I don't have any chance to make peace between H and the HRE nor to convince my king to attack the Horde ... -> not a funny campaign ...

And right now another stupid thing happens: the papal states declared war to us (the HRE) - wtf ???
right now continueing with this campaign seems obsolete for me ...

so here are my questions:

1.) What in general can I do to influence the course of action of a kingdom while only beeing one of its vassels ?
(technically and practically - no matter if forcing the game to do so or just influencing ...)

2.) How could I start a new campaign without loosing all my relation to the lords, cities and villages of my realm ?

Bar frequent new releases & comments - generally speaking, creating a separate topic for each item to be discussed is good as it keeps the forum organized in general.

1st question: AFAIK  you cannot influence, hence being a vassal rather than king.
2nd question: again you cannot, because it will be a new 'game world' next time you launch a new game, therefore you will be a new entity with no previous positive relation with other entities (lords, settlements).

Since this excellent mod is updated often, we have had similar requirements an compiled a list of things and methods in the topic below, you might wanna have a look:
HOWTO *REGAIN* most of the accomplishments from a previous game state
Ritter_Ronald said:
1.) What in general can I do to influence the course of action of a kingdom while only beeing one of its vassels ?
(technically and practically - no matter if forcing the game to do so or just influencing ...)

2.) How could I start a new campaign without loosing all my relation to the lords, cities and villages of my realm ?

1) Persuasion skill. that skills is gor everyone take ur point of view faster with less relationship...
with persuasion only lvl 3 i asked my king in scotland to declare war to kingdom of england, and he do it!... btw not at first time! he give u options to why declare war and u need to pick the corrects too...

2) a new champaing without the lose of ground? imposible... start again, and remember save it before next time!
but u still can change of faction if u dont like HRE now... and the relation u have will be good if u become a king! because with persuasion u can also ask others lords with high relation to join u like vassals!but i dont try it yet!.
Be a ruthless guy and start to raid Mongols caravans, raid their villages, fight their peasants&lords without reason. If you have enough negative relation with them (I think -5 should be enough) go and capture yourself a nice Mongol town. If you do this your realm, the HRE, will declare war on the Horde earlier or later. You will get a negative relation hit with your king for that, though, but it's not that hard.
Thanks for the replies so far ...

:roll: I guess I'll have to start a new Campaign (like I had to do in the total War games for ages, when I wasn't satisfied
with the changes on the world map  :neutral: ) since I can not stand success of the Mongols AND the rediculous declaration of war
from the Papal States.

At least I can change every important value via cheatmenu ... But this will cost a few hours till everything is like it was before ...

Better I get myself a Start-Up savegame with some decent start-up conditions + values (renown, relations, money, honour)
+ (FULLY equipped companions, which is a pain in the ass ... ), to which I could allways get back, when my campaign seems ****ed up ^^
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