SP Fantasy Sillmarillion Mod! recruting!

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Hey Tolkien fans i was thinkin to myself after finishing the sillmarilllion for the..i don't know 8th time..and i thought maybe instead of waiting around for "the last days" to have sill references that i should make my own mod for it. I would need help making this because I'm pretty new to modding I'm used to flash action 2.0 script so I'm sure i could program but i have trouble when it comes to modeling though I'm sure i could the hang of it, but obviously i going to need help because i want to be precis on the story lines and weapons and towns and blah blah etc. So ill accept anyone that wants to help and share ideas with me and your probably going to want to pack some extra patience in your bag because like i said I'm still new to modding. anyways i could ramble for a while about this lol so any thoughts, ideas, and (especially) help is extremely promoted here leave comments for ideas and thoughts please PM me if you want to help. 
  :cool: :grin: :smile:

        Also if you have experience leading people through (i dont know what to call it) modding expeditions feel free to take the lead if you want to join.  :grin: :grin: :grin:

Recruting at the moment. i have a few part timers that will help like-

CC-4361 Lux
octoburn(maybe if he wants :razz:)

i could really use some more help,especialy need a good leader i dont feel like i have enough experience to tell people what to do. So please if you can help just even a little Please send a PM my way.

          thanks for reading :grin: :grin:
You read the Sillmarillion eight times? I'm unsure whether to be disgusted, impressed, or to pity you. I couldn't go through half of it without giving up.

But... ambitious, to say the least.
This seams like good mod, I nevar read story cause there arent to many books here, but would love to play mod.

Ps Rhodoks suck
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
You read the Sillmarillion eight times? I'm unsure whether to be disgusted, impressed, or to pity you. I couldn't go through half of it without giving up.

But... ambitious, to say the least.
I couldnt read the fellowship of the ring without giving up... I read the Hobbit though that was great...
If you were going to do this anytime soon how would you pull this off my brother has read this and said that there was multiple stories in the book wouldnt that make it hard to do.
BUT a good sounding mod would be a hobbit mod were you make your character smaller or something. that would be fun i guess.
sovreiign said:
Hey Tolkien fans i was thinkin to myself after finishing the sillmarilllion for the..i don't know 8th time..and i thought maybe instead of waiting around for "the last days" to have sill references that i should make my own mod for it. I would need help making this because I'm pretty new to modding I'm used to flash action 2.0 script so I'm sure i could program but i have trouble when it comes to modeling though I'm sure i could the hang of it, but obviously i going to need help because i want to be precis on the story lines and weapons and towns and blah blah etc. So ill accept anyone that wants to help and share ideas with me and your probably going to want to pack some extra patience in your bag because like i said I'm still new to modding. anyways i could ramble for a while about this lol so any thoughts, ideas, and (especially) help is extremely promoted here leave comments for ideas and thoughts please PM me if you want to help. 
  :cool: :grin: :smile:

        Also if you have experience leading people through (i dont know what to call it) modding expeditions feel free to take the lead if you want to join.  :grin: :grin: :grin:

A good start would be to learn punctuation rules, because you'll need to use a lot of commas in the module system.
I remember the last odd 2-3 times someone tried to do this or at least suggest it. Nothing.

Sounds like a great idea. I too have read the Silmarillion and other works of Tolkien many times too many and long for the days of Numenor, Gondolin and the Silmarils.

If you tell me what stage of production you are at, although I have little to no experience, Ill try to help.

ok, so that makes

1 - Ideas man = Check
2 - Complete modding noob = Check

You're good to go, guys! 

Eight times? that ain't much. I have read each Harry Potter Series 10+ times. I don't remember proper... Started Silmarilion new. Fingolfin and Tergon rulz. :smile:
Harry Potter? Screw that *****. And there are people who haven't read the Sillmarillion? Cause you really should. I'm no expert though, I only read it once. I read the Hobbit a few times, but I can proudly say I read LOTR at least fifteen times.
Oh do be quiet. If he wants to try without asking anyone to do things for him, I say go ahead. Even if he doesn't succeed he will still learn something out of it.
The question is what time period are you going to set it in? The Silmarillion covers literally unknown millennia.

Another thing is that most of the "heroes" of the Silmarillion lived at different times, so you'd almost have to make up some heroes and companions.

I thought about doing a Silmarillion mod called "Age of Heroes" a year or so ago. I got as far as planning a few things out and making a map of Beleriand (pretty big map; went north to Tol Sirion, west to Vinyamar, east to the dwarven settlements in the mountains, and south to Nargothrond) before my own interest faded.
vadermath said:
Harry Potter? Screw that *****. And there are people who haven't read the Sillmarillion? Cause you really should. I'm no expert though, I only read it once. I read the Hobbit a few times, but I can proudly say I read LOTR at least fifteen times.

Finished it few minutes ago. I can easily say, its was great! But Harry Potter is much more gripping one. And I will read the other books of J.R.R. when I found them - And I never screw a book I read or not. Show some respect n00b.

Edit: Saying that is just like "I like Metallica and that means Black Sabbath sucks." Well, everything has its own magic...
Ibanez said:
vadermath said:
Harry Potter? Screw that *****. And there are people who haven't read the Sillmarillion? Cause you really should. I'm no expert though, I only read it once. I read the Hobbit a few times, but I can proudly say I read LOTR at least fifteen times.

Finished it few minutes ago. I can easily say, its was great! But Harry Potter is much more gripping one. And I will read the other books of J.R.R. when I found them - And I never screw a book I read or not. Show some respect n00b.

Edit: Saying that is just like "I like Metallica and that means Black Sabbath sucks." Well, everything has its own magic...
I have read every single Harry Potter book three times, including the book about Quiditch. I was simply joking, I like them. Although the seventh one let down a bit, since it completely destroys any hope of a future story.

EDIT: And I don't like Metallica :lol:
vadermath said:
Oh do be quiet. If he wants to try without asking anyone to do things for him, I say go ahead. Even if he doesn't succeed he will still learn something out of it.

Exactly. Up until two weeks ago, I didn't even know what a tuple was. At least he's not proposing a mod, declaring himself team leader and asking others to do everything else.

I say go for it - even if it doesn't work out, it'll give you the basics of modding, and help you in the future.

If you haven't already looked them up, i'd suggest looking here - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,6575.0.html for a list of questions and answers

And here - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,49267.0.html for the module system.

That should be enough to get you started. Good luck!
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