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Because making a post in an all ready created thread is too easy OP?
Well, it seems to work. It's not particularly good, sig-wise, but eh. I don't really understand (at all) why you needed a new thread for this test.
since when did anyone do any work? besides its your own fault for clicking on the thread and foolishly reading it :roll:  :mrgreen:

Many people in OT don't appreciate random, pointless and downright annoying threads created to achieve something that can be done perfectly well by either veiwing your profile or looking at any of your old posts.
dark_blade said:
since when did anyone do any work? besides its your own fault for clicking on the thread and foolishly reading it :roll:  :mrgreen:

It's called "SIG TEST". Note the all capitals. I figured it was some sort of important messages, because only important things are typed in all caps.
Hey, can anyone hook me up with one of these special signatures that you need to enable by creating an entire thread?
Thanks, that'd be great.

Sure, here you go:

90% of teens today would die if myspace or facebook had a system failure. If you are one of the 10% that would sit and laugh copy this to your signature.
92% precent of teens today have moved on to rap. If you are one of the 8% that still rock out copy this to your signature.
Sheena said:
My TV broke last week while i was watching a show about the NASA. I think i'll go berzerk on discovery channel website.

Have fun and don't forget to make a thread to test it!
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