Sieges - Help

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Whenever my settlement is besieged, if I click on the battle it gives me two options: attack the besiegers from the outside or join the siege. Is there anyway for me to join the siege with my armies on the inside of the settlement?              Note: I was in the settlement when they attacked me
That's good news to me because I was going to tell you about the horrible pathfinding, but I didn't because I figured everyone already noticed it.  :smile:


Take down those walls!!
Yes, Your Majesty!
dscape750 said:
That's good news to me because I was going to tell you about the horrible pathfinding, but I didn't because I figured everyone already noticed it.  :smile:
The problem there is that many of us map makers only learned enough about AI meshes after we created the maps. And as you noticed for a good fight inside a settlement it is very important that the fighters don't run into the walls.
dscape750 said:
Is that what handles it? I'm still only a couple weeks into this. :eek:
The AI mesh tells the AI ( short for Artificial stupIdity) where it can go and where not. While it is still possible for the AI to cross the border (cavalry going to fast for a tight turn for example) the mesh directs their path finding.
One thing I think alot of people would like is the old sieges but improved not just a field battle with structures onely the player is clever enough to use.
Maybe you missed it but Wicked said sieges are in plan for one of the next releases (0.7xx or higher).
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