siege weapons

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It would be really nice if they added siege weapons in the game
because it would blend with the medieval feeling of the game and
it would make battles more challenging.
Man, no offense, but you badly need to use the search function & the frequently suggested topics thread.

Whenever you come up with an idea, search it first, and write only after you make sure it's really new. Most of these things have been already discussed ad nauseam.
As far as I know, there're not many things in medieval time to be used in skermish, or battle.

Likely candidates are:

Giant Crossbow: Enormous crossbow. as long as human height and needs special stand to reload.

Mangonel: I called a human-powered trebuchet as a mangonel. It can be easily assembled (took few hours though). lightest one is simple stand with pole powered by two men and could be constructed in several minutes if you've got parts ready.

Espringa: Espringa is an advanced version of Roman Ballista. instead of metal frame-work to accomodate torsion spring it uses huge wooden frame which is also the support frame of entire structure. It looks like a box minus panel. estimated pulling power is over 3000kg (longbow was 50-100kg). The problem is its box shape - it's nearly impossible to rotate. Leonard da Vinch made a fanciful sketch of pivoting stand for it.
Ug ug

I agree with Koufodin@s. To begin with I didn't see the point with it, but it makes it more medieval and it can be quite useful against camping opponents.

I would like to see:
The mangonel, against camping groups and siege weapons.
The scorpion, against moving targets (groups)
And the mantlet when fighting against archer cavalry.
it would be really hard to code seige equipments i think. But i would like ballistas and mangonels too.
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