SP - General Siege relieving

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When you attack a besieger, it would be amazing to attack from behind or the sides while the enemy is under fire by the defenders in the same siege scene, it would be so immersive & cool imo. (I'd love to see this but I imagine this would be a tremendous amount of work)
That sounds awesome! I dont know how hard it would be to be honest but my approach would be to use the usual siege maps as base then:
- defenders spawn in castle
+ archers climb walls and towers
+ infantry sallies out through gate when in advantage or holds the gate when outnumbered
+ Gate is permanently open to allow working pathfinding
- defender reinforcements spawn outside wall from left side
- attacker reinforcements spawn outside wall from right side
- Only range siege engines are activated to prevent ai burnouts
Of course there could be a much better refined version of this but in my mind this seems to be the low effort approach which shouldnt need much changing besides
- change the attacker spawns
- change attacker ranged siege engine spawns
- add defender outside spawn
. remove non-ranged siege engines
- open gate and make it unaccessible (like town maps in peace times)
- pray to god the ai figures the way through the open gates instead of kssing the walls
I would love to see some feedback from Taleworlds on your idea and their take on possible approaches to that
When you attack a besieger, it would be amazing to attack from behind or the sides while the enemy is under fire by the defenders in the same siege scene, it would be so immersive & cool imo. (I'd love to see this but I imagine this would be a tremendous amount of work)
This is what they are planning with sally out siege battles. Not sure if outside defenders will spawn from behind, but hopefully they make it like that.
The way I can see reinforcements working properly is with a time limit according to distance from party
so let's say you start the siege battle when the enemy reinforcements are at a distance of 4 kilometers, then the reinforcements start spawning 4 minutes after the battle has started

the numbers probably need leveling but you get the point.
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