Siege Assault

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Siege Assault
One point or another you will find yourself in a siege. No biggie right? What if your on your own? What if your not a Vassal? Need help with better factions for siege attackes and defences? This will explain sieges as well as i can from first hand experiance and reseach.

Who, What, When, Where and Why?
This will be general infomation about sieges for poeple starting sieges with a factions or halping out someone in a siege later on ill tell you how to win a siege as a REBEL.
Okay lets start at the start. Battle sizer should be set to 100 for a first siege any higher and it could be too hard. Never think siege attacks will be easy from the Quik Battle siege attack or siege defense because they are too hard/too easy. Frist siege i recomend following a friendly faction ( or joining a Campain if you are a Vassal ) until they reach a Castle/Town and camp. Wait about 1 day until you see all the parties around the Castle/Town move into the middle then simply join the battle. With a faction it does'nt really mater what faction you are it shoudnt be that hard. Stay behind your shield and when the Tower drops CHARGE ( Or charge up the ladder once its cleared out a little ) but NEVER, EVER go in first unless your chracter is hacked because you will got SLAUGHTERED. let the allies attack for about a minute then charge up with your troops.

Now this is challenging, Rhodoks are the best for attack because there large, arrow/bolt stopping shield. Choose a Castle near the edge of the map with a large army. Ones with a siege tower are better than ladders in the long run because as soon as you take the castle you will be bombarded with attackers. Rhodoks arnt that good at defending so come to your castle before taking it with some other troops for a good defence Missile troops are good.    thats all i can be bothered doing now cya :grin:
Grimgor99 said:
Ones with a siege tower are better than ladders in the long run because as soon as you take the castle you will be bombarded with attackers.

nu? what do you mean?
* pictures Nord footmen being thrown over the besiegers' heads *  :shock:

Cows work better anyway...  :mrgreen:
ddrake said:
Grimgor99 said:
Ones with a siege tower are better than ladders in the long run because as soon as you take the castle you will be bombarded with attackers.

nu? what do you mean?
* pictures Nord footmen being thrown over the besiegers' heads *  :shock:

Cows work better anyway...  :mrgreen:

i mean that if you take a castle with a tower its easier and takes less lossess in defence so its betteri in the long run because you dont need to rtrain as much troops
he`s trying to be helpful but he doesn`t seem to know much about sieges :???:

just an advice - you can never have too much missile troops, especially in a siege.
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