little joke or a rumor since the Patriotic War of 1812 ..)
When the Russian during the attack shouted "Hurrah!" the French heard "sur rats!", which means "at rats!". And they answered them - "pour les chats!" "At cats!" .. maybe it was funny ..))
Other: the Russian word "Sharomyzhnik" which means "vagabond"or "swindler" comes from the French treatment "cher ami" -- "dear friend". Since the French turned to the Russian population during the retreat in search of food and shelter.
More: Russian officers often fell into trouble with Russian patrols and the guerrillas of the local folks, as Russian nobles among themselves preferred to communicate in French, which they knew not worse than the Russian. Therefore, the simple Russian peasants often took them for the French. )
A similar situation with the Russian replicas in the game. I do not want to offend the person who gave them. But they still need improvement and change.)
Coarse expression, "Они драпают!" [onI drApajut!] "They skedaddle!" should be replaced by "Враг бежит!" [vrAg bezhIt!] "enemy runs!" or "Они отступают" [onI otstupAjut] "They are retreating. "
Command "Огонь!" [ogOn'!] "Fire! " might be better replaced by "Пли!" [plI!] "Fire!". Although it is not essential .. Possible to use the first variant ..
"Караул, убивают!" [karaUl, ubivAjut!] -- "Help, killing!" - No comment.)
Command "Не стреляйте, парни!" [nE streljAjte, pArni!] "Do not shoot, guys", rather should sound like "Прекратить стрельбу!" [prekratIt' strel'bU!] "Stop shooting!" ,"Cease fire". The word "Парни" [pArni] "guys" just could not be used .. If you want to add a appeal officer to the soldiers, it could be something like "Братцы", "Ребятки", Сынки" ["brAtcy", "rebjAtki", synkI"] "Brothers", "boys, " Sons".
Command "Вперед!" [Vpered] "Forward!"sounds like the command to move forward.
Why not replace: "В атаку!" [v atAku!] "Charge!" "В штыки!" [v shtykI!] "At the bayonets!" "На врага!" [nA vragA!] "To the enemy!"
Battle cry "За Бога и за Страну!" [za bOga i za stranU!] "For God and for the country " - is also something weird.
Options: "За Царя и Отечество!" [za carjA i otEchestvo!] "For Tsar and Fatherland","За Веру и Отечество!" [za vEru i otEchestvo!] "For Faith and Fatherland","За Русь!" [za rUs'!] "For Russia!", "Братцы, не посрамим!" [brAtcy, ne posramIm!] "Brothers, not to disgrace!", "Братцы, бей супостата!" [brAtcy, bEj supostAta!] "Brothers, smash the foe!"...