Shot a horse dead on a steep slope...

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Shot a horse dead on a steep slope, and the rider just tumbled and tumbled down. It looked great!
I probly took the biggest poo ever. When i was heading towards the bathroom my pants felt like the buttons were gonna explode, 5 flushes later i had to find my belt
My friend took a picture of a crap he took with his camera phone and was bragging to everyone about it.

It had to have been 2 feet long... very disturbing.
I shot a guys horse out from under him when he was right next to a cliff. I saw him flop over the edge of the cliff, then it said "steppe bandit fell unconcious". That gave me a good laugh. :lol:
What never fails to make me laugh in Mount&Blade are friendly fire kills by the enemy.
Enemy (horse) archers/ranged attackers will occasionally hit their own colleagues and kill them. It just looks so hilarious "Khergit raider killed by Khergit Raider" :lol:

damn, you're lucky PETA and SPCA members didn't know....
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