Short feature list & review of new Version (0.632)

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calm force

These are new features I have found already:

- The tavern layout has changed

- Bows and Thrown weaons now require their respective skill leveled up to use the advanced weapons

- Combat System has changed into a much more dynamic one, now its possible to choose the kind of attack you want to make. Quick but weak stab, long left or right slash or a very powerful overhead attack which targets the head.

- Relative speed of combatants is calculated into the damage and everyone seems to move more quickly now. In mounted but even more on foot.

- Attack animations and it seems the AI too have gotten a boost, so now its REALLY viable to follow the path of the mighty foot warrior :smile:

-New crosschair is much less obstrusive and I like the fact it is for range combat only.

-Archers seem to have gotten a boost according to some, but I could not see anything out of ordinary with them yet.

- New units seem to have been implemented ... manhunters upgrade to slave drivers for example.

- Speed on the worldmap seems to have been pitched up a bit

All in all a very very worthy new version. The new close combat system is GREAT and WONDERFUN. I have gotten myself a 2 handed great axe and rock the world :smile: and the upped travelling speed for footmen on the worldmap now makes infantry retinue possible without too much hassle.

please add anything I have forgotten or might have gotten wrong.

Attack speed on lances has been decreased.
Warrider damage has been removed.
I don't know anything else :grin:
Far greater rewards from battles when commanding a large party. Also, i'm almost positive that you move faster than before while wearing light armor, but move slower than before while wearing heavy armor.
Yeah, I bought and put on some scale mail and It made me walk VERY slowly!
So I sold it and bought something much lighter.
Scale weighs 16
Leather I got weighs 6
Yeah, and the leather armour can actually be a whole lot better than scale armour. :razz: The only thing scale has going for it is that it's cheap.
amount of enemies now seems to scale with levels of your character did maybe it was already in, but I did not notice it in previous version... river pirates start out with groups of 4 but with higher levels its not unusual to find groups of > 20.
I'm not certain but i think betting on tournament used to be 20/50/100 but now its 50/100/200
Some other stuff noted:

1. One more slots for your party;
2. Optional pixel shading support (already mentioned elsewhere);
3. Sword Sisters now equip with horses (already mentoned too)
4. Horses *may* lose special enhancements and become "lame" after cripple. Recvoery time is lengthened and origina enhancments are lost even after recovered. So next time be careful when you try jumping over the stream...
5. All tarvens now charges $3 times size of your party. In 0.623, it just charged you $3 regardless party size;
6. Moral "Above Average" is noted. (Is this new?)

Oh, btw, please have this sticky, thank you.

Dark Hunters now upgrade to Dark Knights.

Manhunters have a slaver path ending in Slave Crusher but I dont think its finished as they all suck. A level 22 Slave Crusher still only has 60-70 weapon skill, bad armor and a club.
The Manhunter tree goes

Manhunter -> Slave driver -> Slave hunter -> Slave crusher -> Slaver chief

Slaver chief is level 26, but just gets a mail hauberk instead of the leather armor that the slave crusher has. Otherwise there isn't really any stat gain. It'd be nice if the Manhunter chain levelled up so that they were weaker than knights, but in the end were mounted and all had bashing weapons like sledgehammers so that you could get an army of them and knock everyone on the other side unconscious (if you won). Maybe give them like 130 in one and two handed weapons and 70 in the rest to indicate their preference for slaver type weapons.
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