Shooting a bow with mail mittens, can it works?

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I have this new question and eager to see the answer from my favorite historian - matmohair1. All discussions are welcomed.


Hi, I'm not matmohair1 but...:grin:


Chroniques de France ou de St Denis

With mail mittens it is really complicated to manipulate the two elements. Possible? well in a controlled environment it's plausible ... However I wouldn't want to have a couple of these equipped in a battle frenzy.

For optimal performance, you need at least two fingers (thumb + index finger) available to manipulate with sufficient dexterity that such actions require. You'll need somo of these:

Three fingers mail gloveFull mail glove

If you follow the Bannerlord development process, you can see here what I think of archers equipped with mittens :iamamoron:??.
Brought to you from the same style of book that shows a flimsy thin sword cutting bascinets and heads in half like butter
Maybe this? ? :iamamoron:


In the course of time, the split mail gloves were eventually combined with split gauntlets made of plates.
Knowledge takes no place, +info here
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