Shine on metallic armour/weapons

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I have seen screenshots and seen my friend play this on his computer and noticed a great shine effect that doesn't seem to happen on my comp. I also had the blue rocks/mountain sides problem that I had to fix by changing the config, could that be part of the problem? I only have a Nvidia Geforce MX 420, with 512mb ram.

This problem also makes texturing hard for me as I cant test out the shine features to see if they look correct.

Geforce MX class does not support Pixel Shaders, I have one in my laptop and it's only DirectX 7 hardware. Upgrade your card.
Id reccomend Nvidia GeForce FX 5200. Its less then 100$ and has all of the bells and whistles in all currently released games.
Cleitan said:
Id reccomend Nvidia GeForce FX 5200. Its less then 100$ and has all of the bells and whistles in all currently released games.

I have that one as well, but BF2 already doesn't work on it... The rest works fine though. :smile:
The FX5200 is the worst of the GeForce 5xxx series. Sadly. And I've got the MOBILE version in my computer. A cheap 6xxx series can probably be had for under $150. Or a nice radeon 9xxx series.
Unfortunately, BGreman is correct. For various reasons, the 5xxx series isn't that great in general, and the 5200 is worse than most. A good 9600 NON-SE (SE is awful :razz:) will hold you over for around $100.
Yeah. I'd say stick with ATi, anything between 9600 to 9800 will last you :grin:

Make sure you get the Pro versions though. Or you could buy an SE and softmod it.
SE has fewer pipelines I thought? As well as some other limitations. Also, just because the 9xxx are better than the 5xxx, don't get yourself into a "I only buy ATI/nVidia," sort of rut. It all depends on the individual series of cards and their technical aspects as to which ones are better. For instance, value for money in the current gen goes to 6xxx I'd say, not in least because of SM3 support. Next gen is looking like the R520s will be better than the 7xxx series.
Cymru am beth = Wales forever (I cant remember if the C should be mutated into a G but it doesn't really matter =p)

Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn = something like 'The red dragon will rise again', or what you said, its a hard one hehe

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