
Shadow Rising
A Wheel of Time Mod
V0.3.1 Beta Release
A Wheel of Time Mod
V0.3.1 Beta Release
The Last Battle “Tarmon Gai'don” is approaching. Hoards of Shadowspawn led by the Forsaken are massing in the Blight, The Aiel have crossed the Spine of the World following the Car’a’carn, The Legion of the Dragon Reborn has taken large amounts of land, and the Aes Sedai and remaining armies of the Westlands still vie for power.
Shadow Rising is a mod based on Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series of books. I have been working on this for a while now and decided it is finished enough to release as a Beta version. Please try it out and let me know what you think.
Feature List:
Wheel of Time Map
New playable race – Trolloc
Learn to Channel – Once your channeling skill hits 25 search the taverns to find a teacher
A couple cool ter'angreal
Lots of new equipment added
Chance to find rare items based on your parties looting skill
Increased caps on abilities and some skills
Invasion of Shadowsworn troops after 4 weeks
Many kits added from the forum community – see credits for full list, (Battlefield Tactics, Battle Morale, and Spear Bracing can be turned on and off from the camp menu)
Press h when you're in a battle scene for a help screen
New channeling system:
All weaves now take a certain amount of stamina to channel. A HUD bar shows how much stamina you have remaining. When the bar is blue you have enough stamina to channel the weave. If you don't have enough stamina the bar is gray. Your stamina automatically regenerates over time. To channel you will need to have a "connection to the source" item equipped. You get a "connection to the source" when you start the learning to channel quest. If you lose your connection you can talk to the person that gives you the learning to channel quest and they will give you a new one. You can switch between the weaves you know by pressing z, and the weave icon is displayed as another HUD element. The amount of stamina you have is determined based on your intelligence and you channeling proficiency. The rate that your stamina regenerates is based on you strength. The angreal rare item now increases the rate your channeling stamina refills.
Check the screenshots for a look at the new stamina bar and selected weave icon.
I know this mod isn’t an exact match to any period of time in the Wheel of Time series. I’ve decided to try to make the mod fun rather then get bogged down in the minutia of detail it would take to make it 100% accurate to the books.
Seanchan have been added!
This is a Beta release so future versions might not be savegame compatable.
The Wheel of Time is © Copyright Robert Jordan.
The phrases The Wheel of Time™ and The Dragon Reborn™ are trademarks of Robert Jordan.
TODO List:
Create correct banners
Fix default Calradia references in dialogs
Update companions
Create new scenes for key places like Tar Valon
Probably lots of other things
Troop Tree:
Black = Infantry
Red = Cavalry
Green = Archer/Channeler
Blue = Mounted Archer/Channeler
Red = Cavalry
Green = Archer/Channeler
Blue = Mounted Archer/Channeler
- Farmer
- Watchman
- Caravan Guard
- Mercenary Swordsman
- Hired Blade
- Mercenary Horseman
- Mercenary Cavalry
- Mercenary Swordsman
- Mercenary Crossbowman
- Caravan Guard
- Watchman
- Townsman
- Watchman
- Caravan Guard
- Mercenary Swordsman
- Hired Blade
- Mercenary Horseman
- Mercenary Cavalry
- Mercenary Swordsman
- Mercenary Crossbowman
- Caravan Guard
- Watchman
- Legion Recruit
- Legion Militia
- Asha'man Soldier
- Asha'man Dedicated
- Asha'man
- Asha'man Dedicated
- Legion Soldier
- Two Rivers Archer
- Legion Infantry
- Red Hand Footman
- Red Hand Crossbowman
- Red Hand Cavalry
- Red Hand Sharpshooter
- Red Hand Crossbowman
- Legion Man at Arms
- Legion Knight
- Red Hand Footman
- Asha'man Soldier
- Legion Militia
- Andorian Recruit
- Andorian Militia
- Andorian Queens Guard
- Andorian Queens Guard Captain
- Altaran Duelist
- Cairhienin Soldier
- Cairhienin Officer
- Tairen Defender of the Stone
- Illianer Companion
- Illianer Companion Captain
- Cairhienin Officer
- Cairhienin Soldier
- Andorian Queens Guard
- Andorian Militia
- Borderland Recruit
- Borderguard Footman
- Kandori Infantry
- Arafellin Swordsman
- Blademaster
- Arafellin Swordsman
- Kandori Infantry
- Mounted Borderguard
- Saldaean Light Cavalry
- Shienarian Lancer
- Shienarian Heavy Lancer
- Shienarian Lancer
- Saldaean Light Cavalry
- Borderguard Footman
- Aiel Recruit
- Aiel
- Aiel Water Seeker
- Aiel Thunder Walker
- Aiel Night Spear
- Aiel Stone Dog
- Aiel Night Spear
- Aiel Maiden of the Spear
- Aiel Wise One Apprentice
- Aiel Wise One
- Aiel Wise One Apprentice
- Aiel Thunder Walker
- Aiel Water Seeker
- Aiel
- Sedai Recruit
- Novice
- Accepted
- Aes Sedai
- Aes Sedai Sitter
- Aes Sedai
- Accepted
- Youngling
- Tar Valon Guard
- Warder
- Veteran Warder
- Warder
- Tar Valon Guard
- Novice
- Seanchan Recruit
- Seanchan Footman
- Seanchan Pikeman
- Seanchan Swordsman
- Seanchan Deathwatch Guard
- Seanchan Cavalry
- Seanchan Morat'torm
- Seanchan Swordsman
- Seanchan Pikeman
- Seanchan Archer
- Seanchan Marksman
- Seanchan Sul'dam
- Seanchan Marksman
- Seanchan Footman
- Darkfriend Recruit
- Darkfriend Devotee
- Trolloc Grunt
- Trolloc Bone Crusher
- Myrddraal
- Trolloc Bone Crusher
- Darkfriend Murderer
- Darkfriend Assassin
- Trolloc Grunt
- Darkfriend Devotee
- Marauding Trolloc
- Trolloc Grunt
- Trolloc Bone Crusher
- Myrddraal
- Trolloc Bone Crusher
- Trolloc Grunt
- Bandit
- Brigand
- Cutthroat
- Bandit Leader
- Mercenary Swordsman
- Hired Blade
- Cutthroat
- Bandit Archer
- Marksman
- Mercenary Crossbowman
- Brigand
- Manhunter
- Slave Driver
- Slave Hunter
- Slave Crusher
- Slaver Chief
- Slave Crusher
- Slave Hunter
- Slave Driver
- Refugee
- Camp Follower
- Huntress
- Camp Defender
- Sword Sister
- Camp Defender
- Huntress
- Camp Follower
- Peasant Woman
- Camp Follower
- Huntress
- Camp Defender
- Sword Sister
- Camp Defender
- Huntress
- Camp Follower
Special thanks to Llew2 for new map creation, and lots of work making new equipment for the aiel
Special thanks to Saberin for the new character creation text
face textures - Aquil - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,37265.0.html
maw's Armor Pack 092408 - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,45833.0.html
Burrek for K&K, Byzantium Armor, Unique Eurpoeans 1 & 3 Skinsets (bur)
Lord Condormanius Irish Skinset (con)
FJ62 Norse Skinsets (fj6)
Ornumentum mod builders (orn)
Stainless Steel 6.0 mod builders (ssm)
Various other skins from MTW2 mods, will credit as i sort it out
DaBlade, for elegant engraved plates
Subotai, for female mesh
Open Source Project - Weapons - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,48238.0.html
James (jam)
Luigi (lui)
RR_Raptor65 (rrr)
The Pope (pop)
OSP Clothing - jackets, vests, and boots - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,57784.0.html
OSP helmets - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,49476.0.html
The Pope
Dueling - MartinF - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,57584.0.html
Troop Ratio Bar - rubik - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,53062.msg1368604.html#msg1368604
Custom Commander kit - rubik - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,57110.0.html
Autoloot - rubik & fisheye - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,60097.0.html
Troop Tree Generator - Backe - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,50779.0.html
Original Magic ideas Curtain of Fire - Mirathei - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,30512.msg784362.html#msg784362
Age of Machinery Kingdom managment feature - Highlander - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,48674.0.html
Create Troop Parties - Geoffrey Ashe - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,51290.0.html
Battlefield Tactics kit - Mirathei - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,34685.0.html
Battle Morale - Chel - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,36364.0.html
Spear Bracing Kit - The Mercenary & the development team of NE - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,61051.0.html
Flying missile pack - James - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,47005.0.html
New Music - http://www.archive.org/details/audio
- http://www.danosongs.com/
- http://greatinstrumentaldownloads.com/
- http://freesologuitar.com
Knights Mod - Couched - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,54003.0.html
OSP: Cloaks - Dain Ironfoot - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,52336.0.html
HiRes Campaign Map Texture 2.0 - Punkt - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,46448.0.html
Samurai Weapons & Armor Pack - walzou - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,58290.0.html
The Wheel of Time is © Copyright Robert Jordan.
The phrases The Wheel of Time™ and The Dragon Reborn™ are trademarks of Robert Jordan.
maw's Armor Pack 092408 - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,45833.0.html
Burrek for K&K, Byzantium Armor, Unique Eurpoeans 1 & 3 Skinsets (bur)
Lord Condormanius Irish Skinset (con)
FJ62 Norse Skinsets (fj6)
Ornumentum mod builders (orn)
Stainless Steel 6.0 mod builders (ssm)
Various other skins from MTW2 mods, will credit as i sort it out
DaBlade, for elegant engraved plates
Subotai, for female mesh
Open Source Project - Weapons - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,48238.0.html
James (jam)
Luigi (lui)
RR_Raptor65 (rrr)
The Pope (pop)
OSP Clothing - jackets, vests, and boots - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,57784.0.html
OSP helmets - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,49476.0.html
The Pope
Dueling - MartinF - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,57584.0.html
Troop Ratio Bar - rubik - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,53062.msg1368604.html#msg1368604
Custom Commander kit - rubik - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,57110.0.html
Autoloot - rubik & fisheye - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,60097.0.html
Troop Tree Generator - Backe - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,50779.0.html
Original Magic ideas Curtain of Fire - Mirathei - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,30512.msg784362.html#msg784362
Age of Machinery Kingdom managment feature - Highlander - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,48674.0.html
Create Troop Parties - Geoffrey Ashe - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,51290.0.html
Battlefield Tactics kit - Mirathei - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,34685.0.html
Battle Morale - Chel - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,36364.0.html
Spear Bracing Kit - The Mercenary & the development team of NE - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,61051.0.html
Flying missile pack - James - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,47005.0.html
New Music - http://www.archive.org/details/audio
- http://www.danosongs.com/
- http://greatinstrumentaldownloads.com/
- http://freesologuitar.com
Knights Mod - Couched - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,54003.0.html
OSP: Cloaks - Dain Ironfoot - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,52336.0.html
HiRes Campaign Map Texture 2.0 - Punkt - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,46448.0.html
Samurai Weapons & Armor Pack - walzou - http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,58290.0.html
The Wheel of Time is © Copyright Robert Jordan.
The phrases The Wheel of Time™ and The Dragon Reborn™ are trademarks of Robert Jordan.
Update History:
- Fixed problems that showed up after 30 days of game time
- changed so seanchan only start at war with westlands
- Added more generic Shadowsworn lords
- New male and female character creation scripts - text written by Saberin
- Two new factions! Borderlands and Seanchan
- Shadowsworn invade after 4 weeks
- Trolloc characters now have an option to recruit from Marauding Trolloc parties
- Adjusted execution script to not impact town/village relations
- Reduced terrain texture size to help reduce crashes on slower PCs
- One banner per faction (banners are not custom yet)
- Lots of other bug fixes
- New channeling system.
- Increased weave accuracy
- More marauding trolloc and bandit spawns
- Slightly higher chance to find a rare item
- Fixed some map issues
- Rewrote several weaves (hopefully this will get rid of crashes people were seeing with bind and seeker)
- Added sprint. Press v when unmounted to sprint. Speed and length of sprinting depends on you agility and athletics, and trollocs get an additional bonus.
- Added cloaks to whitecloaks and myrddraal, gave myrddraal new horses
- Added Punkt's HiRes map textures.
- Added some new music, and sounds for trollocs
- Added a chance to get one of several new rare items after any battle. Chance to find an item is based on your parties looting skill.
- Made it so you can't "reload" weaves by going back to inventory box during battle. (an angreal that works as ammo is one of the rare items you can find)
- Changed a new map - created by Llew2
- Added new aiel equipment - created by Llew2
- increased caps on abilities and some skills
- Added several other new items and fixed lots of other smaller problems
- Fixed dedicated pin problem
- Added a new help menu. When you're in a combat scene hit the h key for shortcut key help.
- Gave Aiel Clan Chiefs correct gear
- Fixed a spot in the map where ai was getting stuck
- Added flying arrow meshes
- Increased the chance of capturing an enemy lord in combat from the default 20% to 30%
- various other small fixes and tweaks
0.1.1 - Fixed the "unable to find mesh cloth_mtw_074" that showed up occasionally when going to armor merchants.
0.1 - original release
0.3 to 0.3.1 Patch
there should be a Version Information.txt file in the root of the Shadow Rising mod folder that lists your current version.
0.2.1 to 0.3 Patch
there should be a Version Information.txt file in the root of the Shadow Rising mod folder that lists your current version.