Right. I've though about a few things I'd like to ask about, so instead of making 10 topics I'll bundle them all up in 1 go... They are unrelated, but I can imagine that an experienced player could answer to pretty much all of them.
1: What is a "ragdoll", in the performance options you can choose how many "Ragdolls" to have.. Same options where you choose number of bodies and such.
2: When a faction is destroyed the lords converts to one of the other living factions, what makes them choose faction? As marshall of the Vaegirs I have destroyed Swadia and the Rhodoks, but some of their lords converted to the Vaegirs even though we were the ones who captured them. However, I've seen that a very large portion of the "free" lords went to the Khergits, some around 70% of all the "free" lords.. Is there any logic behind all this..?
3: Do the armies of AI lords gain xp like the player army? Do they upgrade their troops along the way in the same way as the player, or is it all a fixed pattern.
4: I've noticed that some lords (and no, I do not mean the kings or the khan) have massive armies, and some lords have small armies. Now the Vaegirs have been at peace for around 150 days, but the size of the armies that the vaegir lords have are around the same size as they had at the end of the war (I do not know about all of the lords, but I remember the name and approximate partysize of the 10 or so lords that I used a lot in my campaigns). Some have nearly 200 while others have less then 100.. I assume it has to do with the lords renown, charisma and leadership, but do they pick skills at random or is it prefixed like lord A will always choose skill C, D, E or F and lord B will always choose skill G, H, I or J thinking that skills C-F is leadership like skills, and G-J is fighter like skills.. If you get my point.
5: I've noticed that the AI lords have a much shorter viewrange then me (yes, I have a really high spotting skill, 8+ bonus), but do they ever gain points in pathfinding or spotting?
(Short for 4 and 5, do the lords gain skills (I've seen that captured lords sometimes have a +, so I assume this means they gained a level), and what skills do they choose)
6: When I lend a companion to a lord, will the lords party be able to use the partyskills of that companion? Say, if I lend them Jeremus that have high surgery, will the AI party have high surgery skill and loose less men in combat?
7: My faction is not at war with anyone, but I wage war myself on the Khergits (I actually just help the Nords, they are at war with the Khergits) and I now have -100 with the Khergits. Some time ago, when it was rather peacefull, I had -1 with the Khergits, and they besieged my cities and castle, but never attacked it. Just besieged it and left. It was the same with my villages, I got a message that a Khergit lord was raiding my village, but when I got there the lord was either gone, or ran away when I came close. So they were basically just pissing me off, threatening me, not really harming me. But now that I have -100, will the Khergits actually attack my settlements even when the Vaegirs and the Khergits are not at war?
8: When I've had a companion for some time and it have gained levels and skills, and then choose to leave my party, will it still have the same skills if I get the him/her back? I've noticed that they do not keep their equipment.
9: A piece of math here, on morale. Base morale, +50, leadership +42, food bonus +55, size penalty -154, recent events +99, party morale = +99. This was actual numbers I had in my game just an hour ago or so.. As far as I can see the math tells me that I should have a morale of +92, not +99.. Was this a glitch/bug or is it actually possible? Or am I stupid? If it is impossible I must have been wrong about what numbers I actually had.. If you say its impossible I'll try and replicate it in the game and take a screenshot if it shows that it is possible..
10: Do morale effect the AI lords at all? I assume it don't, but I thought I'd ask. And on the same note, the deserterparties, are those actual deserters, or just spawningparties like the bandits?
11: What is honor good for? Does it effect your game in any way? Do people like you more, do you gain more renown, is it easier to get recruits, are you more likely to become Marshall, more likely to get fiefs..? Things like that.
12: I've read on the forum that you do not pay for troops garrisoned in a city. As far as I've seen you still pay half, just like in a castle, and I think one of the gametips that show during loading also say that you pay half. So, whats the truth?
13: The AI lords seem to be much better fighters then the other units, both in sieges and in the field. Is this only due to better weapons and armour, or do they have a more intelligent AI then the other units?
14: Do the villagefarmers and caravans do any good? I mean, when they enter (or leave) a city/castle/village does it effect the prosperity and/or the items in the stores?
15: Does my horse count as "player" or "allied unit" or none of them when you chose how much damage to receive in the difficulty settings?
16: Do allied troops that belong to a AI lord get effected by the damage settings? Even if it is a friendly lord from a different faction (IE, Me (Vaegir) and a Nord fighting against a Khergit).
17: When you autoresolve a battle (IE "Order your troops to fight the enemy while you stay back"), are the damage settings put into the equation?
18: When changing the "intelligence" of the AI, will it make my own units better along with the enemy, or is it just the enemy who gets better?
19: One time I got knocked out in a tournament but was allowed to advance to the next tier and keep on fighting in the tournament. They said it was because I had showed courage or something. Is this random or is it based on something real, for example winning a match where your teammates got knocked out and you were alone facing several opponents? Cause this happened earlier in that tournament. I started with bow and arrow and my teammates got knocked out really fast, so I picked up some equipment that they dropped and fought the rest of the enemies.
20: Am I just incredibly stupid, or are these questions rather... uhm... "valid"...?
1: What is a "ragdoll", in the performance options you can choose how many "Ragdolls" to have.. Same options where you choose number of bodies and such.
2: When a faction is destroyed the lords converts to one of the other living factions, what makes them choose faction? As marshall of the Vaegirs I have destroyed Swadia and the Rhodoks, but some of their lords converted to the Vaegirs even though we were the ones who captured them. However, I've seen that a very large portion of the "free" lords went to the Khergits, some around 70% of all the "free" lords.. Is there any logic behind all this..?
3: Do the armies of AI lords gain xp like the player army? Do they upgrade their troops along the way in the same way as the player, or is it all a fixed pattern.
4: I've noticed that some lords (and no, I do not mean the kings or the khan) have massive armies, and some lords have small armies. Now the Vaegirs have been at peace for around 150 days, but the size of the armies that the vaegir lords have are around the same size as they had at the end of the war (I do not know about all of the lords, but I remember the name and approximate partysize of the 10 or so lords that I used a lot in my campaigns). Some have nearly 200 while others have less then 100.. I assume it has to do with the lords renown, charisma and leadership, but do they pick skills at random or is it prefixed like lord A will always choose skill C, D, E or F and lord B will always choose skill G, H, I or J thinking that skills C-F is leadership like skills, and G-J is fighter like skills.. If you get my point.
5: I've noticed that the AI lords have a much shorter viewrange then me (yes, I have a really high spotting skill, 8+ bonus), but do they ever gain points in pathfinding or spotting?
(Short for 4 and 5, do the lords gain skills (I've seen that captured lords sometimes have a +, so I assume this means they gained a level), and what skills do they choose)
6: When I lend a companion to a lord, will the lords party be able to use the partyskills of that companion? Say, if I lend them Jeremus that have high surgery, will the AI party have high surgery skill and loose less men in combat?
7: My faction is not at war with anyone, but I wage war myself on the Khergits (I actually just help the Nords, they are at war with the Khergits) and I now have -100 with the Khergits. Some time ago, when it was rather peacefull, I had -1 with the Khergits, and they besieged my cities and castle, but never attacked it. Just besieged it and left. It was the same with my villages, I got a message that a Khergit lord was raiding my village, but when I got there the lord was either gone, or ran away when I came close. So they were basically just pissing me off, threatening me, not really harming me. But now that I have -100, will the Khergits actually attack my settlements even when the Vaegirs and the Khergits are not at war?
8: When I've had a companion for some time and it have gained levels and skills, and then choose to leave my party, will it still have the same skills if I get the him/her back? I've noticed that they do not keep their equipment.
9: A piece of math here, on morale. Base morale, +50, leadership +42, food bonus +55, size penalty -154, recent events +99, party morale = +99. This was actual numbers I had in my game just an hour ago or so.. As far as I can see the math tells me that I should have a morale of +92, not +99.. Was this a glitch/bug or is it actually possible? Or am I stupid? If it is impossible I must have been wrong about what numbers I actually had.. If you say its impossible I'll try and replicate it in the game and take a screenshot if it shows that it is possible..
10: Do morale effect the AI lords at all? I assume it don't, but I thought I'd ask. And on the same note, the deserterparties, are those actual deserters, or just spawningparties like the bandits?
11: What is honor good for? Does it effect your game in any way? Do people like you more, do you gain more renown, is it easier to get recruits, are you more likely to become Marshall, more likely to get fiefs..? Things like that.
12: I've read on the forum that you do not pay for troops garrisoned in a city. As far as I've seen you still pay half, just like in a castle, and I think one of the gametips that show during loading also say that you pay half. So, whats the truth?
13: The AI lords seem to be much better fighters then the other units, both in sieges and in the field. Is this only due to better weapons and armour, or do they have a more intelligent AI then the other units?
14: Do the villagefarmers and caravans do any good? I mean, when they enter (or leave) a city/castle/village does it effect the prosperity and/or the items in the stores?
15: Does my horse count as "player" or "allied unit" or none of them when you chose how much damage to receive in the difficulty settings?
16: Do allied troops that belong to a AI lord get effected by the damage settings? Even if it is a friendly lord from a different faction (IE, Me (Vaegir) and a Nord fighting against a Khergit).
17: When you autoresolve a battle (IE "Order your troops to fight the enemy while you stay back"), are the damage settings put into the equation?
18: When changing the "intelligence" of the AI, will it make my own units better along with the enemy, or is it just the enemy who gets better?
19: One time I got knocked out in a tournament but was allowed to advance to the next tier and keep on fighting in the tournament. They said it was because I had showed courage or something. Is this random or is it based on something real, for example winning a match where your teammates got knocked out and you were alone facing several opponents? Cause this happened earlier in that tournament. I started with bow and arrow and my teammates got knocked out really fast, so I picked up some equipment that they dropped and fought the rest of the enemies.
20: Am I just incredibly stupid, or are these questions rather... uhm... "valid"...?