Hey all,
First post, just hear me out.
A few things I want to say that could improve this game. They may be in the pipeline already, but whatever.
First thing, I think that the cities on the world map should be much bigger. I know it's a representation, but your character is about half the size of a city when on a horse, and making them larger and individualised rather than just a square box would bring so much life to the world map.
An example of this would be to have Sargoth for Example round and walled with an entrance at each (north south east west) direction, and have somewhere like The starting city smaller than that, but bigger than it is now. Also I think that the troops on the world map should have objective movements, not just patrolling till they see something, but moving objectively around the general area, and then going back when it becomes night time. Also I think the road map could benefit from having roads...
Secondly, I think something that would make this game so much better would be to have differnet battle scenarios. For example, things like castle sieges, perhaps even battling on ships and boarding and fighting and stuff. I think the seiging would be really good, if they defended the castle and you had siege weapons to knock down the walls.
Thirdly, about the horses. I love the inclusion of good horses in this game. The models are well done and they are pretty damn cool. However I would like to see some more depth to them, such as having some more faster horses, perhaps a system whereby the horses grow stronger with exercise and DONT become useless when you get taken out a few times. Perhaps the horses should still go lame but not permanently, if you rest them by not using them then they can regain their speed. Its so annoying buying a spirited charger and then going into a battle and getting it taken out and have speed:7 from then on. Also I think it would be good if the horses didn'#t disappear on the battlefield. I have no idea why this was included, because it sucks that I take out a guy on a warhorse, and then go to get on it, and by the time I have walked the 4 foot to where the horse stopped dragging him it has started to disapparate! Does this happen in real life?
I think that it wouild also rock if you could buy armour for the horses, such as chain and plate for extra armour at the expense of speed. Maybe it would be an idea to also buy saddles and bridles and girths and such with the horses.
One last thing for now, this is almost certainly already in development, but the game should have a purpose. Once you get a buggerload of money, there isn't much else to do apart from go round killing people and doing caravan jobs. Text based games do not involve the player enough, you only have to look at Morrowind to see that (great game in itself, but you don't want to play it too much cos the quests are all based on clicking *give quest* and then going and doing it, rather than a scene with a lord asking you to go and investigate a battlefield, and then there actually being a battlefield with bodies and signs of combat and such).
All in all, I do think that this game has great potential, but possibly a few reforms and improvements need to be made before the final release for it to be sucessful.
First post, just hear me out.
A few things I want to say that could improve this game. They may be in the pipeline already, but whatever.
First thing, I think that the cities on the world map should be much bigger. I know it's a representation, but your character is about half the size of a city when on a horse, and making them larger and individualised rather than just a square box would bring so much life to the world map.
An example of this would be to have Sargoth for Example round and walled with an entrance at each (north south east west) direction, and have somewhere like The starting city smaller than that, but bigger than it is now. Also I think that the troops on the world map should have objective movements, not just patrolling till they see something, but moving objectively around the general area, and then going back when it becomes night time. Also I think the road map could benefit from having roads...
Secondly, I think something that would make this game so much better would be to have differnet battle scenarios. For example, things like castle sieges, perhaps even battling on ships and boarding and fighting and stuff. I think the seiging would be really good, if they defended the castle and you had siege weapons to knock down the walls.
Thirdly, about the horses. I love the inclusion of good horses in this game. The models are well done and they are pretty damn cool. However I would like to see some more depth to them, such as having some more faster horses, perhaps a system whereby the horses grow stronger with exercise and DONT become useless when you get taken out a few times. Perhaps the horses should still go lame but not permanently, if you rest them by not using them then they can regain their speed. Its so annoying buying a spirited charger and then going into a battle and getting it taken out and have speed:7 from then on. Also I think it would be good if the horses didn'#t disappear on the battlefield. I have no idea why this was included, because it sucks that I take out a guy on a warhorse, and then go to get on it, and by the time I have walked the 4 foot to where the horse stopped dragging him it has started to disapparate! Does this happen in real life?
I think that it wouild also rock if you could buy armour for the horses, such as chain and plate for extra armour at the expense of speed. Maybe it would be an idea to also buy saddles and bridles and girths and such with the horses.
One last thing for now, this is almost certainly already in development, but the game should have a purpose. Once you get a buggerload of money, there isn't much else to do apart from go round killing people and doing caravan jobs. Text based games do not involve the player enough, you only have to look at Morrowind to see that (great game in itself, but you don't want to play it too much cos the quests are all based on clicking *give quest* and then going and doing it, rather than a scene with a lord asking you to go and investigate a battlefield, and then there actually being a battlefield with bodies and signs of combat and such).
All in all, I do think that this game has great potential, but possibly a few reforms and improvements need to be made before the final release for it to be sucessful.