Several Suggestions

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Hey all,

First post, just hear me out.
A few things I want to say that could improve this game. They may be in the pipeline already, but whatever.

First thing, I think that the cities on the world map should be much bigger. I know it's a representation, but your character is about half the size of a city when on a horse, and making them larger and individualised rather than just a square box would bring so much life to the world map.
An example of this would be to have Sargoth for Example round and walled with an entrance at each (north south east west) direction, and have somewhere like The starting city smaller than that, but bigger than it is now. Also I think that the troops on the world map should have objective movements, not just patrolling till they see something, but moving objectively around the general area, and then going back when it becomes night time. Also I think the road map could benefit from having roads...

Secondly, I think something that would make this game so much better would be to have differnet battle scenarios. For example, things like castle sieges, perhaps even battling on ships and boarding and fighting and stuff. I think the seiging would be really good, if they defended the castle and you had siege weapons to knock down the walls.

Thirdly, about the horses. I love the inclusion of good horses in this game. The models are well done and they are pretty damn cool. However I would like to see some more depth to them, such as having some more faster horses, perhaps a system whereby the horses grow stronger with exercise and DONT become useless when you get taken out a few times. Perhaps the horses should still go lame but not permanently, if you rest them by not using them then they can regain their speed. Its so annoying buying a spirited charger and then going into a battle and getting it taken out and have speed:7 from then on. Also I think it would be good if the horses didn'#t disappear on the battlefield. I have no idea why this was included, because it sucks that I take out a guy on a warhorse, and then go to get on it, and by the time I have walked the 4 foot to where the horse stopped dragging him it has started to disapparate! Does this happen in real life?
I think that it wouild also rock if you could buy armour for the horses, such as chain and plate for extra armour at the expense of speed. Maybe it would be an idea to also buy saddles and bridles and girths and such with the horses.

One last thing for now, this is almost certainly already in development, but the game should have a purpose. Once you get a buggerload of money, there isn't much else to do apart from go round killing people and doing caravan jobs. Text based games do not involve the player enough, you only have to look at Morrowind to see that (great game in itself, but you don't want to play it too much cos the quests are all based on clicking *give quest* and then going and doing it, rather than a scene with a lord asking you to go and investigate a battlefield, and then there actually being a battlefield with bodies and signs of combat and such).

All in all, I do think that this game has great potential, but possibly a few reforms and improvements need to be made before the final release for it to be sucessful.
Also I think it would be good if the horses didn'#t disappear on the battlefield.
Horses eat a lot of memory, that's why they fade off.

First thing, I think that the cities on the world map should be much bigger.
The cities are more real sized than your character on the map. Your character's size has been multiplied so you could see it.

However I would like to see some more depth to them, such as having some more faster horses
Spirited courser is pretty damn fast. It just dies easily. Charger on the other hand has thick armour but it is slower and harder to handle.

There is also this general answer form in a sticky that includes things like sieges you mentioned if you want to discuss em more.

And lastly welcome to the forums.
I know the Characters size has been multiplied, it just seems to me that the cities are small and sparse, making it seem like there are basically just small outposts evenly spaced out. I think that if the cities were to be made larger, not as in representation, it would make the game have a little more life than having 15 squares on a big patch of green.

Just so you know I have been in a games design company for 4 years now, I'm not stupid, I know the horses eat memory, but my computer is 3 years old and my average framerate is around 140, so I hardly think a horse would make any difference. Also, it isn't all horses that disappear, mainly chargers and such, wheras the others remain for a long time, so it certainly isn't a memory problem, it's a gameplay decision.

Nothing else for now, I'll check back when there are some replies
1. Ye, the horses disappearing is a gameplay decision, not sure why though.

2. The new version features new scenarios, i'm sure there will be even more in the future, until the developers actually get to it.

3. I agree about the town thing, and to be honest i think noone has any clue here what you meant.
personally i would like to see an accurate representation too, feels a bit like plastic now.
I also think a larger scale is a must (keeping player the same size while scaling the world up), and making time move a bit slower so the player moves at the same speed on the screen.
Hell, none of them act like cities. More like trading posts, each staffed equally, and each with some bossy git who has you run errands. I can't imagine a hero ever encountering a member of the general populace in any location but the plains beyond the city limits - if the peasants et al were given free roam of the town, they would have to have the "what are people talking about these days" conversation just to ensure no-one bothered talking to them.
Improving the capitals - Reyvadin and Sargoth, maybe Zendar? - in some way would be nice.
But in the middle ages cities were very different from today. They were crowded and built tightly as people did not want to walk very far to and from work and often livved in the smae building as they worked in. SO there is no urban sprawl. Also, there were fewer cites and more towns of various sizes we would consider small today. And most peasents lived in the small towns and villeges.
A good point scamp.

I'd be alright with enlarging the scale of the whole map. That would have an added benefit of making the travel times a bit more relavent to game-play and mission timing. However, just scaling up the cities is really unrealistic, and it'd make the world map too crowded.
okiN said:
svart, the horses disappear because they eat up memory.

Not as much as they did before you killed the horsemen.
when they just stand around they don't eat any more memory or comp time than corpses, and that's very small.
The main comp usage of horses comes from complex bone deformation (quadruped rig) and also deformation of the horseman riding on it - and when he's dead both of those comp intensive operations are gone. (we're talking about a shrub camouflaged as a horse here :smile: )

Lethandis said:
A good point scamp.

I'd be alright with enlarging the scale of the whole map. That would have an added benefit of making the travel times a bit more relavent to game-play and mission timing. However, just scaling up the cities is really unrealistic, and it'd make the world map too crowded.

That's why i mentioned enlarging the whole map, wouldn't work otherwise.
Severi said:
You can mount on every horse you see instead of them fading away. In last version you could only mount on the horses whose riders you personally knocked down/killed.

This means horses don't disappear anymore - personally i haven't checked the new version yet, but can anyone else varify this ?
svart said:
Lethandis said:
A good point scamp.

I'd be alright with enlarging the scale of the whole map. That would have an added benefit of making the travel times a bit more relavent to game-play and mission timing. However, just scaling up the cities is really unrealistic, and it'd make the world map too crowded.

That's why i mentioned enlarging the whole map, wouldn't work otherwise.

I werz agreein' wit' ya.
Lethandis said:
svart said:
Lethandis said:
A good point scamp.

I'd be alright with enlarging the scale of the whole map. That would have an added benefit of making the travel times a bit more relavent to game-play and mission timing. However, just scaling up the cities is really unrealistic, and it'd make the world map too crowded.

That's why i mentioned enlarging the whole map, wouldn't work otherwise.

I werz agreein' wit' ya.

Who are you calling a postcount whore ?
Yes, I agree with the enlarging of the whole map thing and having bigger cities. And Scamp, are you saying that every city you go to in the middle ages will have a grand total populace of about 6 (tavern keeper, merchant, smithy, armourer, king and prisoner).
Seems a little silly to me, maybe they should make streets for every town like in Zendar.

Like the new scenarios in the new version
Can't there be an option where you can off the 'disapearence' of horses? I would rather lag, burn my ram, or both than have the horse disappear for no reason ::sad:
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