Serious question!

Who would win 1 on 1?

  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Bond

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Who would win in a fight?


Has: Force, Lightsaber, Breathing Mask.
Strategy: Throws large things with force, tries to choke with Force and is one of the best Lightsaber fighters.



Has: Lots of guns with infinite ammo, Cigar gun, explosive gum, Glasses, shiney shoes, explosive toothpaste.

Strategy: He is sneaky, can never be shot by anything because bullets dodge him and he is really accurate with all sorts of weapons which he uses with infinite ammo and only has to reload sometimes.

BTW, I want to thank FOX for supplying the Darth Vader image.


Try to consider MOST situations.
I'm going to have to go with James Bond. He has a knack for getting out of bad situations at the last minute, and thwarting the evil guy's plans. And he has a harem of women at his disposal to assisst him.
Im gonna have to go with Darth Vader. For a few reasons:

1) Hes a space guy with a nifty weapon.
2) Bond has nifty gadgets that will essentially get him out of bad situations
3) Bond never dies!!
4) Bond has women :evil:
5) Bond has women that love him :evil: :evil:

So... with that said.. Vader it is.

PS: I dislike Vader and Bond both. Id definately say Batman could take them both :razz:
I voted for James bond, Not because I like him. He is an idiot. But he would win because he always does and baddies always lose even if they are as cool as Darth Vader.
I voted for Vader, because he's simply superior. Bond lacks the ability to choke people to death at distance, and deflect projectiles with lightsaber. I imagine the fight would be a simple Bond shoots, Vader deflects bullets until he is in range and chops off miscellaneous body parts. Either that or Vader would just crush him to death at range after disarming him.
Balderdash. Vader, being the villain, would feel compelled to capture Bond and stage an overly elaborate execution where he prattles endlessly about his plans only to leave before Bond was actually dead while just assuming the execution was a success, allowing Bond to escape and foil Vader's plans at the last possible moment, saving the day (cut to scene with Bond and Leia enjoying each other's company in a lifepod while British ships race to "rescue" them).
Vader would win this fight before it even started. Vader would just toss cars or stuff with the force and Bond would be forced to drive off in his Bentley. Then there'd be a sweet chase scene between a car and a Tie Interceptor. By sweet, I mean very very short, because the fighter has lasers and can fly.
Cleitan said:
Has: Lots of guns with infinite ammo, Cigar gun, explosive gum, Glasses, shiney shoes, explosive toothpaste.
Vader has the Imperial Army. :razz:
Bond's car have many weapons, but you can destroy those four legged vehicles with heavy armor just with simple weapons :mrgreen:
Cleitan said:
Strategy: He is sneaky
Vader can sense him using the Force
Cleitan said:
can never be shot by anything because bullets dodge him
Again, Vader can kill him using the Force
Cleitan said:
he is really accurate with all sorts of weapons which he uses with infinite ammo and only has to reload sometimes.
Vader stopped Han Solo's shoots with his hands :twisted:

Result: Bond's neck is broken :twisted:
n00854180t said:
Bond villain rules don't apply to Star Wars villains. Fairly sure Vader would just chop him up or choke him to death at range :lol:

After days and nights contemplating this question,I must agree with the forum member whose name I can not pronounce or understand.
As much as it pains me to even bother answering this question, Vader all the way. Jimmy might have the car with rockets behind the headlights but Vader would just roll it over on top of Bond, James Bond (har har) faster than you could say, "Firesto..." (smoosh).

...the forum member whose name I can not pronounce...

You know, I read his name like a week ago and it just hit me. Sorry if he really wanted it kept secret but, I believe it is a reference to some black guy in "Mortal Kombat" in case you just HAD to know :wink: .

Please no hate mail, if it :shock: ffends you then you do not understand . :smile:
Vader definately. He has a light saber, can stop blaster bolts with the force etc. Bond wouldn't stand a chance.

...the forum member whose name I can not pronounce...
I thought it was 1337 5|>34|{ for "noobs AI bot".
Bond would blatantly win I'm afraid. All those Bond's from over the years would gang up and take Vader. Tis sad but true.

PS: Vader would win if he had a Deathstar :twisted:
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